Hurricane Irene at East coast of USA


Hurricane Irene strikes east coast of US.

The dates predicted are prone for quake/volcanic eruption or Hurricanes(tropical cyclones

1)when the tidal pull is high and breaks the earth crust patially , a quake occurs

2) When the pull is directly under volcano mouth, and strong enough to open up the mouth of dormant volcano , an eruption occurs

3) When the high tide pull is more the low tides are also more ( 90 degrees apart on earth)

When the place comes out of low tide effect due to low pressure created ,air rushes to fill the place. If such air passes through ocean waters having specific temperature (26/27 degrees) ,the air gathers momentum from latent heat of ocean waters. Thus ,a tropical cyclone is created

Thus dates predicted here are prone to all these Natural disasters.

4) A cloud burst of unusual nature is also due to high tide pull



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