Google Alert - earthquake

Blogs12 new results for earthquake
Daily Kos: Bachmann: Hurricane and earthquake are messages ...
By (Jed Lewison)
We've had an earthquake; we've had a hurricane. He said, 'Are you going to start listening to me here?' Listen to the American people because the American people are roaring right now. They know government is on a morbid obesity diet and ...
Daily Kos
Heritage Radio: Earthquake, Libya, and More
By David Weinberger
In last week's Heritage Libertad Radio program, we covered topics ranging from Libya and the earthquake, to Heritage member questions. For the Spanish.
The Foundry: Conservative Policy...
First Read - Earthquake, hurricane -- Bachmann says they're God's ...
By First Read
SARASOTA, Fla. -- An earthquake, a hurricane within just days of each other hit the East Coast and Washington, D.C. What accounts for this? According to Rep.
First Read
Michele Bachmann Blames God for the Earthquake, Hurricane Irene ...
By Dan Amira
Of course, most people don't take Robertson seriously. Hurricanes and earthquakes have occurred regularly all over the world since before humankind existed. There was a time when they seemed to be the product of God's wrath, but geology ...
Daily Intel
Say Anything » Bachmann: Hurricane/Earthquake Was Warning ...
By Rob Port
Bachmann: Hurricane/Earthquake Was Warning From God About Out Of Control Spending. Rob Port ... With an earthquake last week, and a hurricane over the weekend, things have seemed a bit…biblical on the east coast these days. ...
Say Anything
Michele Bachmann Thinks God Caused The Earthquake And ...
By Matthew Desmond
Gaffe-prone congresswoman and Republican Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann has done it again, this time claiming that God used the Earthquake and Hurricane Irene to score cheap political points. Here's what she said: "I don't ...
Addicting Info
Earthquake Helps 'Cure' Man's Deafness - News Story - WSB Atlanta
A Washington, D.C., man regains his hearing after the East Coast earthquake -- several months after losing it during a fall on Father's Day. Monday, August 29, 2011. - Irresistible Headlines
DC vs. The Earthquake | EyeTraffic INSIGHT Blog
By Eglomb
Within 1 minute of the earthquake there were more than 40000 east coast earthquake related tweets.
EyeTraffic INSIGHT Blog
Michele Bachmann says Eastern earthquake and hurricane ...
By Pat Cunningham
When a person of Michele Bachmann's unrivaled piety offers an explanation like THIS on the Sabbath, of all days, it behooves the rest of us to pay attention, lest we fail to recognize her unique qualifications to be our next president. UPDATE: ...
Student Overcomes Haiti Earthquake | The Southwesterner
By Glen Robinson
Mario Michel and his family experienced the horror of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. The tragedy led them to Keene and a life of learning and growing in Christ.
The Southwesterner
Earthquake relaunches debate over disaster re-insurance ...
By admin
The earthquake, which hit at 1:51 p.m. ET, measured 5.8 according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The size of the quake, said Brown University seismologist Karen Fischer in a seismic understatement, was "very unusual" for the East Coast. ...
Bachmann says Hurricane Irene and earthquake are God's ...
Republican presidential candidate Michelle Bachmann is being criticized for comments she made in Florida linking Hurricane Irene and recent earthquake to the election. - Local News

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