At the out set ,let me make it clear that, these are my views and I do not intend to offend any branch of Science or any body.
There are three reasonns ,why ,Other theories (specially tidal pull theory ) could not score above average
1)The averages of earthquakes occuring in a year are calculated ,on the basis of total number of quakes occuring ,incluing pre shocks and after shocks. Where as while evaluating ,only one hit per date is taken in to account,though ,there are several quakes on given date.
Considering all quakes occuring ,while calculating odds and taking in to account only one hit per day,is not justified.Either ,we take them all ,or we take only one quake per day,equally in both the cases(ie while calculating odds and while evaluating)
2) Whenever Scientists/Seismologist have evaluated the tidal pull theory ,they have only taken in to account Moon Phases(only one indicater).Very few must have taken in to account both ,phases of Moon as well as Distance of Moon from Earth ie Perigee. Thus ,only partial theory is evaluated ,which can not excced Odds ,calcualted as 1) above.
Recently ,one my friend Roger have tried to complile several indicaters simultenously .
3) Third reason ,I do not want to disclose,as it may offend science faternity


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