LEGEND for OVERVIEW: Size = My surety of area for quake.
Red Circle = Probable quake to STRONG quake.
Triangle = Very Strong/Stronger quake (Usually takes extra days).
Blue Circle, etc. = Uncertainty of symptom area for probable quake.
Gold Circle = Volcanic symptom.
(If I find a matching symptom in my database I will give a
probable magnitude.)
Places to watch.
Good luck to all.
For Sunday, 7 November 2010.
COSTA RICA area (10.17N 84.29W)
then Oceano PacĂfico de Nicaragua
(12.04N 87.81W) (Second day for
general area. Probable 4.5
and probable multiples)
(The website that I usually get information for this area is under construction.)
COALCOMAN, MICH area (17.89 -103.58)
(Second day for general area. Probable 4.5
and probable multiples)
2010-11-07 22:17:15 32.34 -115.19 20 3.4 10 km al NOROESTE de GPE VICTORIA(KM.43), BC
2010-11-07 21:31:32 14.63 -92.81 52 3.4 66 km al SUROESTE de TAPACHULA, CHIS
2010-11-07 19:29:58 14.17 -92.53 77 3.6 69 km al SUROESTE de CD HIDALGO, CHIS
2010-11-07 19:19:50 32.42 -115.12 25 3.6 15 km al NORTE de GPE VICTORIA(KM.43), BC
2010-11-07 19:03:35 32.38 -115.17 23 3.8 12 km al NOROESTE de GPE VICTORIA(KM.43), BC
2010-11-07 17:54:30 32.29 -115.23 9 3.7 12 km al OESTE de GPE VICTORIA(KM.43), BC
2010-11-07 13:10:32 32.25 -115.18 16 3.9 9 km al SUROESTE de GPE VICTORIA(KM.43), BC
2010-11-07 11:32:14 22.44 -108.43 12 4.2 148 km al SURESTE de SAN JOSE DEL CABO, BCS
2010-11-07 07:15:27 32.15 -114.99 25 3.6 18 km al SURESTE de GPE VICTORIA(KM.43), BC
2010-11-07 06:58:35 16.72 -99.7 20 3.3 27 km al SURESTE de ACAPULCO, GRO
2010-11-07 00:37:46 30.97 -115.63 31 4.0 43 km al NORESTE de VICENTE GUERRERO, BC
2010-11-07 17:32:17 4.2 22.17 N 108.78 W 10 A Off Coast of Central Mexico
2010-11-08 23:57:26 32.82 -115.7 20 3.8 24 km al NOROESTE de SANTA ISABEL, BC
2010-11-08 12:52:08 31.3 -114.51 9 3.7 43 km al NORESTE de SAN FELIPE, BC
2010-11-08 12:01:35 31.86 -115.04 5 3.7 48 km al SUR de GPE VICTORIA(KM.43), BC
2010-11-08 10:59:23 17.11 -94.87 123 4.2 32 km al NORESTE de MATIAS ROMERO, OAX
2010-11-08 03:45:42 32.26 -115.17 13 3.8 7 km al SUROESTE de GPE VICTORIA(KM.43), BC
2010-11-08 02:06:05 17.5 -101.18 46 4.1 11 km al SURESTE de PETATLAN, GRO
Possible 6 or stronger in Hokkaido
or Mariana Islands area and Pacific Ocean
along the coast of North and South America
and in Mid Pacific to Easter Island area
and South Pacific to Antarctic
and other places I could not keep track of
to make a guesstimate - Chunk symptoms
but difficult to locate coordinates or timing -
may not occur until 24 November if at all.
(Nothing found)
ARUBA REGION (12.776 -70.357) (Felt volcanic.
Probable 4 and probable multiples)
4.1 2010/11/07 06:12:50 6.802 -73.027 160.7 NORTHERN COLOMBIA
Persian Gulf area (29.84N 49.52E)
(Probable 4 and probable multiples)
2010-11-06 03:52:20.1 33.35 N 48.91 E 10 4.9 WESTERN IRAN
Ascension Island Region (11.59S 14.26W)
(Probable 3.5 and probable multiples)
(Nothing found)
ICELAND area (63.70N 19.53W) (2 different
symptoms and probably 2 different areas.
Probable 4.5 and probable multiples)
Origin time Lat Lon Azres Timres Wres Nphase Ntot Nsta Netmag
2010-311: 64.98 9.34 15.84 1.02 4.99 3 3 3 3.33
TANZANIA area (8.9S 34.5E)
(Probable 4.5 and probable multiples)
2010-11-07 03:36:15.2 11.83 N 43.13 E 7 ML 4.3 GOLFE DE TADJOURA, DJIBOUTI
(Off on coordinates)
Tempiute, NV area (37.364 -116.008)
(Probable 2.5 and probable multiples)
1.9 2010/11/05 11:04:44 37.099 -116.981 9.9 29 km ( 18 mi) NW of Beatty, NV
2.2 2010/11/05 10:11:26 38.925 -118.028 15.7 11 km ( 7 mi) NW of Gabbs, NV
1.5 2010/11/05 05:18:28 37.279 -114.742 9.1 23 km ( 14 mi) S of Helene, NV
1.1 2010/11/05 05:12:04 37.180 -117.346 8.3 16 km ( 10 mi) SSW of Tokop, NV
1.0 2010/11/07 21:42:03 37.353 -117.105 8.0 15 km ( 9 mi) ENE of Tokop, NV
1.3 2010/11/07 18:20:51 37.334 -117.107 15.8 14 km ( 9 mi) ENE of Tokop, NV
1.0 2010/11/07 17:55:39 37.090 -116.972 9.2 28 km ( 17 mi) NW of Beatty, NV
1.5 2010/11/07 09:12:24 37.199 -115.887 4.1 55 km ( 34 mi) SSW of Tempiute, NV
Ocotillo Wells, CA (33.056 -115.896)
(Probable 2.5 and probable multiples)
2.1 2010/11/07 23:29:10 32.227 -115.350 10.0 24 km ( 15 mi) WSW of Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico
1.2 2010/11/07 21:22:28 32.813 -115.478 12.4 8 km ( 5 mi) ENE of El Centro, CA
2.3 2010/11/07 21:18:53 32.258 -115.408 5.6 28 km ( 18 mi) W of Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico
1.7 2010/11/07 19:45:34 32.515 -115.663 2.0 24 km ( 15 mi) SW of Mexicali, Mexico
3.2 2010/11/07 19:10:30 32.154 -115.213 3.9 18 km ( 11 mi) SSW of Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico
1.7 2010/11/07 18:18:20 32.589 -115.729 3.8 23 km ( 14 mi) S of Seeley, CA
1.3 2010/11/07 17:39:00 33.071 -115.571 8.4 6 km ( 4 mi) NE of Westmorland, CA
1.6 2010/11/07 16:03:15 32.591 -115.707 7.6 22 km ( 14 mi) WSW of Calexico, CA
1.4 2010/11/07 09:48:11 32.719 -115.839 7.3 15 km ( 9 mi) E of Ocotillo, CA
GREENLAND SEA area (78.72N 2.64E)
(May be more western. Probable 4
and probable multiples)
2010/11/06 22:38:22 74.28N 86.17W 18.0* 2.7MN 117 km W from Dundas Harbour,NU
2010/11/06 18:44:05 71.06N 85.61W 18.0* 2.3MN 220 km S from Arctic Bay,NU
2010/11/07 10:11:53 68.69N 91.06W 18.0* 1.9MN 53 km W from Kugaaruk,NU
2010/11/07 03:22:09 69.23N 88.70W 18.0* 2.4MN 90 km NE from Kugaaruk,NU
(May be these)
Marston, MO area (36.480 -89.550)
(Probable 2.5 and probable multiples)
2.8 2010/11/07 19:11:37 37.167N 89.735W 10.1 9 km ( 5 mi) SE of Whitewater, MO
2.3 2010/11/07 16:22:44 35.312N 92.314W 2.3 2 km ( 1 mi) SE of Guy, AR
2.2 2010/11/07 05:48:27 35.320N 92.303W 5.6 3 km ( 2 mi) ESE of Guy, AR
(56.11N 164.09E) (Probable 5.5
or stronger and probable multiples)
2010-11-06 20:57:04.8 46.69 N 149.68 E 100 5.4 KURIL ISLANDS ?
2010-11-06 03:19:40.8 45.36 N 149.53 E 104 4.1 KURIL ISLANDS ?
2010-11-08 17:09:25.6 44.13 N 147.25 E 50 4.0 KURIL ISLANDS?
SLOVENIA area (45.77N 14.18E)
(Different symptom but second day for area.
Probable 4.5 and probable multiples)
2010-11-12 13:29:18.0 43.76 N 20.64 E 3 1.8 SERBIA
2010-11-12 12:50:16.2 43.73 N 20.69 E 2 2.4 SERBIA
2010-11-12 11:28:56.5 43.43 N 18.64 E 2 3.7 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
2010-11-12 11:15:51.4 44.16 N 19.46 E 2 2.5 SERBIA
2010-11-12 08:17:30.4 43.72 N 20.67 E 4 1.9 SERBIA
2010-11-12 04:47:42.0 43.78 N 20.75 E 2 2.0 SERBIA
(5 extra days? May not be the right quakes for symptom.)
Southern Italy/IONIAN SEA area
(37.42N 16.18E) (Probable 4
and probable multiples)
2010-11-08 18:17:32.0 37.66 N 15.11 E 1 3.0 SICILY, ITALY
2010-11-08 10:03:48.0 43.94 N 12.00 E 17 2.0 CENTRAL ITALY
(Probable 4.5 and probable multiples)
(Nothing found)
Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands (Non-specific.
Probable 4.5 and probable multiples)
3.3 2010/11/07 21:26:30 19.366 -68.343 66.1 91 km ( 57 mi) NNE of Hig�ey, Dominican Republic
2.8 2010/11/07 17:55:54 19.137 -66.469 29.6 75 km ( 47 mi) N of Tierras Nuevas Poniente, PR
2.8 2010/11/07 16:55:43 19.187 -66.483 30.8 81 km ( 50 mi) N of Tierras Nuevas Poniente, PR
2.2 2010/11/07 11:56:47 18.127 -66.851 7.0 10 km ( 6 mi) N of Yauco, PR
3.1 2010/11/07 03:32:25 19.176 -66.445 23.4 79 km ( 49 mi) N of Bre�as, PR
3.0 2010/11/07 01:13:27 18.493 -64.411 75.0 6 km ( 4 mi) NNE of Spanish Town, British Virgin Islands
Greece/Aegean Sea/Turkey (Non-specific.
Probable 3.5 and probable multiples)
2010-11-07 23:39:07.9 38.03 N 23.91 E 5 2.3 GREECE
2010-11-07 22:43:36.9 35.17 N 23.15 E 5 2.1 CRETE, GREECE
2010-11-07 20:15:38.1 38.85 N 26.11 E 15 3.0 NEAR THE COAST OF WESTERN TURKEY
2010-11-07 19:31:21.3 37.70 N 29.93 E 5 2.8 WESTERN TURKEY
2010-11-07 19:28:48.0 38.84 N 27.91 E 2 2.9 WESTERN TURKEY
2010-11-07 15:44:55.7 36.98 N 28.23 E 7 2.9 DODECANESE ISLANDS, GREECE
2010-11-07 15:23:11.0 37.11 N 28.39 E 7 3.1 WESTERN TURKEY
2010-11-07 14:51:58.0 38.74 N 38.15 E 6 3.0 EASTERN TURKEY
2010-11-07 12:54:16.0 37.57 N 21.69 E 10 2.2 SOUTHERN GREECE
2010-11-07 11:54:13.6 38.47 N 21.72 E 10 2.3 GREECE
2010-11-07 10:53:15.0 37.18 N 30.57 E 97 3.2 WESTERN TURKEY
2010-11-07 10:48:27.9 38.41 N 21.81 E 5 2.2 GREECE
2010-11-07 10:30:56.4 36.33 N 25.67 E 16 2.3 DODECANESE ISLANDS, GREECE
2010-11-07 10:01:58.0 39.82 N 29.20 E 7 3.0 WESTERN TURKEY
2010-11-07 08:18:23.9 40.04 N 24.30 E 10 2.0 AEGEAN SEA
2010-11-07 07:26:51.0 38.38 N 21.81 E 5 2.0 GREECE
2010-11-07 06:23:20.1 40.69 N 27.44 E 5 2.9 WESTERN TURKEY
2010-11-07 05:51:29.9 39.51 N 40.21 E 5 4.1 EASTERN TURKEY
2010-11-07 03:43:47.0 36.57 N 24.79 E 10 2.3 SOUTHERN GREECE
2010-11-07 03:11:20.4 37.00 N 28.27 E 2 3.0 WESTERN TURKEY
2010-11-07 02:45:58.5 40.22 N 25.09 E 8 3.0 AEGEAN SEA
2010-11-07 02:00:48.5 39.97 N 26.87 E 6 2.7 NEAR THE COAST OF WESTERN TURKEY
2010-11-07 00:24:50.2 40.80 N 31.03 E 5 2.8 WESTERN TURKEY
2010-11-08 17:14:38.1 36.57 N 27.68 E 8 3.3 DODECANESE ISLANDS, GREECE
2010-11-08 15:52:25.0 40.20 N 42.51 E 7 3.1 EASTERN TURKEY
2010-11-08 14:47:27.7 38.31 N 23.40 E 83 2.2 GREECE
2010-11-08 11:42:53.5 37.04 N 25.59 E 5 2.6 DODECANESE ISLANDS, GREECE
2010-11-08 09:24:35.8 37.25 N 21.77 E 10 2.2 SOUTHERN GREECE
2010-11-08 09:02:15.5 40.20 N 23.89 E 2 3.6 GREECE
2010-11-08 04:52:06.4 38.44 N 32.39 E 16 2.8 CENTRAL TURKEY
2010-11-08 03:20:20.3 41.15 N 34.35 E 3 2.8 CENTRAL TURKEY
2010-11-08 02:07:33.9 39.34 N 24.04 E 2 2.5 AEGEAN SEA
2010-11-08 01:52:54.6 39.16 N 41.00 E 5 2.8 EASTERN TURKEY
MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES area (5.57N 124.19E)
to Luzon, Philippines (18.49N 121.09E)
(Probable 4.5 and probable multiples)
2010-11-05 16:40:37.9 12.86 N 123.07 E 10 5.8 MASBATE REGION, PHILIPPINES
2010-11-05 14:04:46.3 13.65 N 123.10 E 144 4.8 LUZON, PHILIPPINES
2010-11-05 12:13:51.2 7.04 N 126.84 E 180 5.1 MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
(2 days early)
BORDER REGION (49.35N 87.79E)
(Probable 4 and probable multiples)
2010-11-07 03:40:22 4.6 34.13 N 74.25 E 33 M Southwestern Kashmir?
(Off on coordinates if right quake for symptom.)
**Unplaced quakes using EMSC listing.
2010-11-07 21:58:22.1 43.74 N 20.65 E 4 2.6 SERBIA
2010-11-07 20:46:05.1 43.74 N 20.69 E 10 2.4 SERBIA
2010-11-07 19:26:46.7 24.24 N 142.05 E 85 5.6 VOLCANO ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
2010-11-07 12:25:16.6 43.73 N 20.72 E 2 2.8 SERBIA
2010-11-07 11:31:04.0 21.59 S 179.44 W 400 5.0 FIJI REGION
2010-11-07 07:21:16.8 43.75 N 20.68 E 2 1.8 SERBIA
2010-11-07 06:27:05.7 41.80 N 23.00 E 2 2.2 BULGARIA
2010-11-07 06:04:41.6 43.74 N 20.72 E 2 2.0 SERBIA
2010-11-07 00:43:30.4 68.89 N 145.92 W 40 4.9 NORTHERN ALASKA
Peace to all.

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