LEGEND for OVERVIEW: Size = My surety of area for quake.
Red Circle = Probable quake to STRONG quake.
Triangle = Very Strong/Stronger quake (Usually takes extra days).
Blue Circle, etc. = Uncertainty of symptom area for probable quake.
Gold Circle = Volcanic symptom.
(If I find a matching symptom in my database I will give a
probable magnitude.)
Places to watch.
Good luck to all.
For Friday, 12 November 2010.
(40.06N 143.83E) (Probable 4.5
and probable multiples)
11/12 22:08 与那国島近海 (北緯24度03分 , 東経122度28分) 震度1 M5.5 深さ26km (**)
11/12 08:10 釧路沖 (北緯42度52分 , 東経145度26分) 震度1 M3.8 深さ61km (**)
11/12 07:30 岩手県沖 (北緯40度06分 , 東経142度27分) 震度1 M3.8 深さ34km (**)
11/12 06:54 兵庫県南西部 (北緯34度57分 , 東経134度45分) 震度1 M2.9 深さ15km (**)
11/12 05:09 熊本県球磨地方 (北緯32度27分 , 東経130度48分) 震度1 M2.4 深さ12km (**)
2010-11-12 04:27:15.8 30.22 N 143.01 E 10 4.8 IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
2010-11-14 06:10:31.6 34.05 N 141.37 E 40 5.1 OFF EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
(2 extra days)
(Second day symptoms. Probable 4.5
and probable multiples)
2010-11-12 07:39:24.2 37.99 N 42.99 E 5 2.9 TURKEY-SYRIA-IRAQ BORDER REGION
Qualeys Camp, NV area (38.001 -118.670)
(Different symptom but second day for area
and larger and may include Utah. Probable 3.5
and probable multiples)
1.7 2010/11/12 15:02:24 37.220 -116.512 9.0 41 km ( 25 mi) NNE of Beatty, NV
0.8 2010/11/11 03:21:36 41.462N 112.138W 7.0 8 km ( 5 mi) W of Perry, UT
1.4 2010/11/12 17:35:33 38.998N 111.369W 4.1 13 km ( 8 mi) NW of Emery, UT
1.4 2010/11/12 09:53:22 39.010N 111.374W 6.4 15 km ( 9 mi) NW of Emery, UT
2.1 2010/11/12 02:54:48 39.623N 111.092W 8.1 13 km ( 8 mi) SSE of Scofield, UT
(Probable 5 and probable multiples)
2010-11-15 00:29:23.2 13.86 N 93.61 E 38 4.8 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA REGION
(3 extra days)
PRIMOR'YE, RUSSIA (42.48N 133.00E)
(Probable 5 and probable multiples)
(Nothing found)
KYRGYZSTAN area (40.50N 73.07E)
(36.28N 70.71E) (Different symptoms but
second day for general area and much stronger.
Probable 5.5 or stronger and probable multiples)
2010-11-12 13:06:07.8 41.71 N 75.56 E 1 3.7 KYRGYZSTAN
2010-11-13 03:11:18.7 37.73 N 72.08 E 10 4.4 TAJIKISTAN
2010-11-14 20:03:53.8 36.84 N 71.76 E 126 4.4 TAJIKISTAN
(2 extra days)
2010-11-15 03:12:57.6 39.13 N 69.73 E 10 4.5 TAJIKISTAN
2010-11-15 02:44:46.7 38.60 N 69.83 E 48 4.9 TAJIKISTAN
2010-11-15 02:06:10.5 38.99 N 69.49 E 10 4.9 TAJIKISTAN
2010-11-15 01:44:43.3 39.24 N 69.51 E 16 4.6 TAJIKISTAN
2010-11-15 00:51:58.9 34.59 N 70.60 E 60 5.0 HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN
(3 extra days)
The Geysers (38.818 -122.794) (May be more
southern. Probable 3 and probable multiples)
1.4 2010/11/11 23:54:04 38.848 -122.815 0.2 6 km ( 3 mi) N of The Geysers, CA
1.0 2010/11/11 23:01:05 38.752 -122.719 2.8 3 km ( 2 mi) SW of Anderson Springs, CA
1.1 2010/11/11 21:23:16 38.802 -122.797 4.5 1 km ( 1 mi) ENE of The Geysers, CA
1.6 2010/11/11 20:52:56 38.372 -122.163 8.0 13 km ( 8 mi) N of Green Valley, CA
1.2 2010/11/11 20:28:33 38.147 -122.196 3.6 5 km ( 3 mi) NE of Vallejo, CA
1.5 2010/11/11 16:00:51 38.786 -122.777 2.6 3 km ( 2 mi) ESE of The Geysers, CA
1.9 2010/11/11 15:42:57 38.803 -122.811 2.3 1 km ( 0 mi) NW of The Geysers, CA
1.2 2010/11/11 14:16:43 38.812 -122.814 3.1 2 km ( 1 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
1.1 2010/11/11 14:16:33 38.832 -122.795 2.0 4 km ( 2 mi) NNE of The Geysers, CA
1.1 2010/11/11 14:16:33 38.831 -122.795 2.0 4 km ( 2 mi) NNE of The Geysers, CA
1.0 2010/11/11 13:12:10 38.845 -122.828 2.1 6 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
1.0 2010/11/11 11:04:49 38.852 -122.821 2.8 6 km ( 4 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
2.0 2010/11/11 09:04:21 38.831 -122.797 2.1 4 km ( 2 mi) NNE of The Geysers, CA
1.7 2010/11/11 05:01:36 38.787 -122.778 3.1 3 km ( 2 mi) ESE of The Geysers, CA
1.0 2010/11/11 04:11:09 38.788 -122.778 3.1 3 km ( 2 mi) ESE of The Geysers, CA
1.7 2010/11/11 01:21:40 38.839 -122.829 2.6 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
1.1 2010/11/11 00:27:32 38.839 -122.832 1.7 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
1.1 2010/11/11 00:27:08 38.841 -122.832 1.8 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
1.7 2010/11/12 16:15:04 38.815 -122.820 2.9 2 km ( 1 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
1.0 2010/11/12 16:08:28 38.839 -122.774 2.6 5 km ( 3 mi) W of Cobb, CA
1.0 2010/11/12 16:01:55 38.846 -122.826 2.5 6 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
1.2 2010/11/12 13:52:41 38.809 -122.818 3.2 2 km ( 1 mi) NW of The Geysers, CA
1.3 2010/11/12 10:16:24 38.605 -122.931 2.8 6 km ( 4 mi) WSW of Healdsburg, CA
1.3 2010/11/12 09:40:49 37.732 -122.543 6.2 4 km ( 2 mi) W of San Francisco Zoo
1.0 2010/11/12 08:11:09 38.796 -122.779 4.2 2 km ( 2 mi) E of The Geysers, CA
1.2 2010/11/12 04:40:05 38.822 -122.825 0.7 3 km ( 2 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
1.1 2010/11/12 04:11:19 38.820 -122.795 3.5 3 km ( 2 mi) NNE of The Geysers, CA
1.1 2010/11/12 03:53:43 38.821 -122.797 3.3 3 km ( 2 mi) NNE of The Geysers, CA
2.8 2010/11/12 03:32:58 38.824 -122.794 3.7 3 km ( 2 mi) NNE of The Geysers, CA
1.3 2010/11/12 01:25:41 38.840 -122.829 2.4 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
1.6 2010/11/13 23:21:44 38.812 -122.784 2.2 2 km ( 2 mi) NE of The Geysers, CA
1.8 2010/11/13 21:36:31 38.789 -122.730 1.9 4 km ( 2 mi) WNW of Anderson Springs, CA
1.6 2010/11/13 17:40:42 38.825 -122.778 2.6 4 km ( 2 mi) NE of The Geysers, CA
1.1 2010/11/13 15:42:46 38.815 -122.798 3.2 2 km ( 1 mi) NNE of The Geysers, CA
1.2 2010/11/13 15:01:05 38.840 -122.828 2.7 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
1.2 2010/11/13 11:21:43 38.744 -122.692 1.6 3 km ( 2 mi) S of Anderson Springs, CA
1.3 2010/11/13 06:56:02 38.784 -122.740 1.9 4 km ( 3 mi) WNW of Anderson Springs, CA
1.1 2010/11/13 04:50:32 38.815 -122.794 3.5 2 km ( 1 mi) NNE of The Geysers, CA
1.0 2010/11/13 04:50:26 38.814 -122.798 3.4 2 km ( 1 mi) NNE of The Geysers, CA
Pinnacles, CA (36.602 -121.207) (Different symptom
but becoming daily symptoms for area. Probable 4
and probable multiples)
1.0 2010/11/12 20:12:15 37.011 -121.155 2.5 28 km ( 18 mi) W of Los Banos, CA
1.2 2010/11/12 20:02:05 36.968 -121.560 0.0 5 km ( 3 mi) SSE of Gilroy, CA
1.0 2010/11/12 06:40:31 36.674 -121.300 4.5 13 km ( 8 mi) S of Tres Pinos, CA
1.3 2010/11/12 06:38:52 36.632 -121.216 6.6 13 km ( 8 mi) NNW of Pinnacles, CA
1.9 2010/11/12 04:58:09 35.901 -121.473 9.9 16 km ( 10 mi) SSE of Lopez Point, CA
1.1 2010/11/12 04:47:32 36.767 -121.272 8.2 5 km ( 3 mi) ESE of Tres Pinos, CA
2.0 2010/11/12 04:15:57 36.644 -121.261 5.8 16 km ( 10 mi) NW of Pinnacles, CA
1.9 2010/11/12 04:02:18 37.469 -121.835 5.2 7 km ( 4 mi) NE of Milpitas, CA
1.9 2010/11/12 00:18:36 36.643 -121.258 5.7 16 km ( 10 mi) NW of Pinnacles, CA
1.1 2010/11/13 10:33:45 36.499 -121.076 4.5 7 km ( 4 mi) ESE of Pinnacles, CA
SURESTE de CRUCECITA, OAX (15.4 -95.73)
(Probable 4 and probable multiples)
2010-11-12 11:27:31 32.81 -115.43 16 3.5 16 km al NORTE de MEXICALI, BC
2010-11-12 08:35:54 16.43 -98.46 7 3.7 28 km al SUR de OMETEPEC, GRO
2010-11-12 06:35:37 15.02 -93.16 77 3.9 55 km al SUROESTE de MAPASTEPEC, CHIS
2010-11-12 02:32:54 31.12 -115.72 5 3.7 50 km al NORESTE de VICENTE GUERRERO, BC
2010-11-12 01:25:32 31.05 -115.75 7 3.5 42 km al NORESTE de VICENTE GUERRERO, BC
2010-11-13 20:21:38 14.72 -92.17 112 3.8 5 km al NOROESTE de CD HIDALGO, CHIS
2010-11-13 18:15:59 32.4 -115.13 31 3.6 13 km al NORTE de GPE VICTORIA(KM.43), BC
2010-11-13 09:35:55 16.43 -100.96 20 3.9 94 km al SUROESTE de TECPAN, GRO
2010-11-13 08:24:00 18.14 -100.55 54 3.7 27 km al SURESTE de CD ALTAMIRANO, GRO
2010-11-13 06:54:45 17.82 -98.42 66 3.7 35 km al NORESTE de TLAPA, GRO
2010-11-13 04:46:46 13.81 -92.12 15 3.4 96 km al SUR de CD HIDALGO, CHIS
(-5.105 151.633) (Probable 4.5
and probable multiples)
2010-11-11 20:30:03.2 6.27 S 154.70 E 80 5.7 BOUGAINVILLE REGION, P.N.G.
(Probable 4 and probable multiples)
2010-11-10 20:43:20.0 43.29 N 42.02 E 1 3.0 CAUCASUS REGION, RUSSIA
(2 days early)
(Probable 4 and probable multiples)
2010-11-12 16:18:05.9 1.93 N 96.61 E 10 4.4 NIAS REGION, INDONESIA
2010-11-12 10:40:29.7 2.94 S 99.89 E 10 4.7 KEP. MENTAWAI REGION, INDONESIA
POLAND area (50.18N 18.91E)
(Probable 3 and probable multiples)
2010-11-11 14:02:11.3 50.22 N 18.81 E 2 2.2 POLAND
2010-11-13 04:49:17.6 51.16 N 17.05 E 10 3.6 POLAND
2010-11-14 04:03:58.2 49.95 N 18.42 E 10 2.0 POLAND
**Unplaced quakes using EMSC listing.
2010-11-12 15:38:59.0 22.13 N 120.78 E 2 5.2 TAIWAN
2010-11-12 13:08:50.4 24.30 N 122.50 E 34 5.3 TAIWAN REGION
2010-11-12 08:52:02.2 39.34 N 0.09 W 2 2.6 SPAIN
Peace to all.

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