Small Quake Jolts Santa Cruz County

BEN LOMOND — Residents across Santa Cruz County were shaken awake this morning by a small earthquake that hit about 6:05 a.m.

No injuries or damages were reported. The 3.1 magnitude temblor struck about 2 miles from Ben Lomond, and originated 6.3 miles beneath the earth’s surface, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

“It woke people up, and we got about 8 or 9 calls asking about damage,” Sheriff’s Lt. Steve Hartness said, adding that it felt like a truck had hit his house. “There was nothing to report.”

Many people, such as Karen Randall of Ben Lomond, weren’t sure the quick jolt was actually an earthquake.

“We all kind of wondered what it was,” said Randall, who had already arrived to work at Ben Lomond Market on Highway 9 when the quake struck. “I just heard a noise. It was kind of weird.”


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