Minor quake reported in Portland

Associated Press

A minor earthquake was reported in Portland Saturday evening. There were no immediate reports of injury of damage.

The U.S. National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, Colo., put the intensity at 2.8, near the lower levels normally felt by humans. An intensity of 3 was registered on seismographs at some other points.

The epicenter was listed as being in close-in northeast Portland about 10 miles deep.

Geophysicist Dale Grant at the National Earthquake Information Center in Golden said a quake of that magnitude may be felt "but it's not going to do damage of any significance."

Nearly 17,000 earthquakes of magnitude 1 to 6 have been recorded in Oregon and Washington since 1970. Between 15 and 20 quakes a year are strong enough to be felt in the Northwest. Those are usually magnitude 3 to 4, according to the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries.


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