pl observe my quake dates carefuly. what is known as cluster of quakes will be observed around my dates.
There are ten odd dates in a year given by me for quakes. If we consider +or - 3 days , there will be 60 days in a year. THERE WOULD BE MORE THAN 80% QUAKES IN THESE DAYS.
Pl refer a note news papers which states that an icebergs of huge volume has
been affected by the tidal forces as far as the speed of movement is concerned.
It is high time that we review the existing plate tectonic theory and think in the direction
Earthquakes occurs -major quakes- due to following reasons
1) major planets changing the directions from direct to retracted or retracted to direct.
2) sun and moon opposing or joining or squaring each other
3) moon joins or opposing the planet which is changing the direction
4) major planes in mutual square or opposing position
Pl watch out for quakes on the specificity dates
Pl refer a note news papers which states that an icebergs of huge volume has
been affected by the tidal forces as far as the speed of movement is concerned.
It is high time that we review the existing plate tectonic theory and think in the direction
Earthquakes occurs -major quakes- due to following reasons
1) major planets changing the directions from direct to retracted or retracted to direct.
2) sun and moon opposing or joining or squaring each other
3) moon joins or opposing the planet which is changing the direction
4) major planes in mutual square or opposing position
Pl watch out for quakes on the specificity dates
Pl note my previous dates of prediction and actual occurances
1) 1.12.2006-------6.3-----indonesia
2) 5.12.2006------5.7 -------s.e. of easta island
3) 7.12.2006 -----6.3-----kuril
4) 12.12.2006 -----6.2 ---celebes sea
unless we drop the idea that plate tectonics is the only answer to quake prediction we will not be in aposition to predict any quake.
pl note ---plates are due to the quake and not other way round
watch for more dates on the blog
Pl note my previous dates of prediction and actual occurances
1) 1.12.2006-------6.3-----indonesia
2) 5.12.2006------5.7 -------s.e. of easta island
3) 7.12.2006 -----6.3-----kuril
4) 12.12.2006 -----6.2 ---celebes sea
unless we drop the idea that plate tectonics is the only answer to quake prediction we will not be in aposition to predict any quake.
pl note ---plates are due to the quake and not other way round
watch for more dates on the blog
Press Release Received This Week:
When asked, one quarter of Swedes who were in Southeast Asia during the tsunami reported impaired mental well-being fourteen months after the disaster. This is shown in a comprehensive follow-up carried out at the National Center for Disaster Psychiatry at Uppsala University in Sweden, in collaboration with representatives from the Stockholm County Council and the Karolinska Institute.
The report also shows that relatives, friends, workmates, and neighbors provided the most important help when the travelers returned home. A large proportion (78%) of those who responded were in a place hit by the tsunami. Among these individuals, 41 percent perceived their situation as life-threatening, and 27 wound up in the water. The most common explanation for why they each survived is that it was simply happenstance, that they were lucky.
Nearly all of them report that they were afraid another tsunami wave would come. One fourth were experiencing disturbances in their mental well-being at the time of the questionnaire. In total, ten percent show signs of post-traumatic stress reactions such as recurrent memories, nightmares, avoidance behavior, concentration problems, and sleeping problems.
This proportion increases among individuals who had had their lives threatened, been physically injured, or lost a loved one. This latter group will be specially targeted in coming reports. The assistance these people were most satisfied with before leaving Southeast Asia was provided by the local people, close friends and relatives, other disaster victims, local health-care staff, and Swedish volunteers. They were less satisfied with aid efforts from the Swedish authorities.
After returning to Sweden, alongside their own resources, what was the most important factor in coping with the stress was support from close friends and relatives. If individuals actively sought help, it was primarily from crisis groups and family doctors, as well as social workers and psychologists at care centers. Only a few turned to psychiatry. Private psychotherapy and support from ministers was especially appreciated.
The respondents also report that they were highly satisfied with the support offered at Arlanda Airport and the reception provided to those who lost loved ones at Ärna Airport in connection with the return of the remains of victims. Many individuals were also satisfied with the support they received from insurance companies. These results constitute a first report, based on responses from nearly 5,000 individuals.
They answered a questionnaire sent to more than 10,000 people fourteen months after the tsunami. The study was performed by the three largest county councils/regions: Stockholm, Western Götaland (surrounding Göteborg), and Region Skåne (surrounding Malmö) as well as seven other county councils. The response rate was highest in Blekinge.
The study was carried out by the National Center for Disaster Psychiatry at Uppsala University in collaboration with the Unit for Crisis and Disaster Psychology at the Stockholm County Council and the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Statistics at the Karolinska Institute.
The report can be read (in Swedish) at: http://www.katastrofpsykiatri.uu.se/rapporttsunami061204.pdf
When asked, one quarter of Swedes who were in Southeast Asia during the tsunami reported impaired mental well-being fourteen months after the disaster. This is shown in a comprehensive follow-up carried out at the National Center for Disaster Psychiatry at Uppsala University in Sweden, in collaboration with representatives from the Stockholm County Council and the Karolinska Institute.
The report also shows that relatives, friends, workmates, and neighbors provided the most important help when the travelers returned home. A large proportion (78%) of those who responded were in a place hit by the tsunami. Among these individuals, 41 percent perceived their situation as life-threatening, and 27 wound up in the water. The most common explanation for why they each survived is that it was simply happenstance, that they were lucky.
Nearly all of them report that they were afraid another tsunami wave would come. One fourth were experiencing disturbances in their mental well-being at the time of the questionnaire. In total, ten percent show signs of post-traumatic stress reactions such as recurrent memories, nightmares, avoidance behavior, concentration problems, and sleeping problems.
This proportion increases among individuals who had had their lives threatened, been physically injured, or lost a loved one. This latter group will be specially targeted in coming reports. The assistance these people were most satisfied with before leaving Southeast Asia was provided by the local people, close friends and relatives, other disaster victims, local health-care staff, and Swedish volunteers. They were less satisfied with aid efforts from the Swedish authorities.
After returning to Sweden, alongside their own resources, what was the most important factor in coping with the stress was support from close friends and relatives. If individuals actively sought help, it was primarily from crisis groups and family doctors, as well as social workers and psychologists at care centers. Only a few turned to psychiatry. Private psychotherapy and support from ministers was especially appreciated.
The respondents also report that they were highly satisfied with the support offered at Arlanda Airport and the reception provided to those who lost loved ones at Ärna Airport in connection with the return of the remains of victims. Many individuals were also satisfied with the support they received from insurance companies. These results constitute a first report, based on responses from nearly 5,000 individuals.
They answered a questionnaire sent to more than 10,000 people fourteen months after the tsunami. The study was performed by the three largest county councils/regions: Stockholm, Western Götaland (surrounding Göteborg), and Region Skåne (surrounding Malmö) as well as seven other county councils. The response rate was highest in Blekinge.
The study was carried out by the National Center for Disaster Psychiatry at Uppsala University in collaboration with the Unit for Crisis and Disaster Psychology at the Stockholm County Council and the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Statistics at the Karolinska Institute.
The report can be read (in Swedish) at: http://www.katastrofpsykiatri.uu.se/rapporttsunami061204.pdf
Dear sir
pl note the nov 19 2006 is the probable date for major earth quake.I SHALL GIVE YOU THE DATES OF QUAKE
pl note the nov 19 2006 is the probable date for major earth quake.I SHALL GIVE YOU THE DATES OF QUAKE
The following is a release by the United States Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center: A strong earthquake occurred about 10 miles (15 km) north-northwest of Kailua Kona or 65 miles (100 km) west of Hilo, Hawai`i at 11:07 AM MDT, Oct 15, 2006 (7:07 AM HST in Hawaii). The magnitude and location may be revised when additional data and further analysis results are available.
Numerous people suffered minor injuries, many buildings damaged and landslides blocked roads on Hawaii. Power outages occurred throughout the Hawaiian Islands.
The Island of Hawaii is the youngest island in a chain of volcanoes that stretch about 3500 miles across the north Pacific Ocean. The island chain results from a stationary hot spot that originates deep beneath the crust. The ocean crust and lithosphere above the hot spot move to the northwest as a result of plate tectonics. During the process new island volcanoes are formed and older volcanoes are carried away from the hot spot source, erode, and eventually subside beneath sea level. The vast majority of earthquakes in Hawaii are related to volcanic activity. Some occur before or during an eruption and likely result from underground movement of magma. Others, like this recent earthquake, result from stresses that build in the Earth’s crust as the volcano grows. Earthquakes on the volcanic Island of Hawaii are not rare. The largest on record was the magnitude 7.9 1868 earthquake which triggered a tsunami that drowned 46 people and spawned numerous landslides that resulted in 31 deaths. In the vicinity of the recent earthquake, a magnitude 6.9 tremor struck on August 21st 1951 that damaged scores of homes on the Kona coast and triggered numerous damaging landslides.
Numerous people suffered minor injuries, many buildings damaged and landslides blocked roads on Hawaii. Power outages occurred throughout the Hawaiian Islands.
The Island of Hawaii is the youngest island in a chain of volcanoes that stretch about 3500 miles across the north Pacific Ocean. The island chain results from a stationary hot spot that originates deep beneath the crust. The ocean crust and lithosphere above the hot spot move to the northwest as a result of plate tectonics. During the process new island volcanoes are formed and older volcanoes are carried away from the hot spot source, erode, and eventually subside beneath sea level. The vast majority of earthquakes in Hawaii are related to volcanic activity. Some occur before or during an eruption and likely result from underground movement of magma. Others, like this recent earthquake, result from stresses that build in the Earth’s crust as the volcano grows. Earthquakes on the volcanic Island of Hawaii are not rare. The largest on record was the magnitude 7.9 1868 earthquake which triggered a tsunami that drowned 46 people and spawned numerous landslides that resulted in 31 deaths. In the vicinity of the recent earthquake, a magnitude 6.9 tremor struck on August 21st 1951 that damaged scores of homes on the Kona coast and triggered numerous damaging landslides.
Here are some quastion to plate tectonic theory
1). how quake occur at safe zones (not on plate boundry)-LATUR -INDIA quake of 30th sept 1993
2) how major quakes occure on given dates all over the globe on various plates-cluster of quakes on a given dates
3) how pre shocks are explained in plate tectonic theory.
4) how the land masses Laurasia and Gondwanaland seperated initialy.
1)19TH NOV 2006----6.5 INTENSITY
2)11/12 TH DEC 2006---7.2
3) 18TH DEC 2006-------6.9
4) 24TH DEC 2006------6.4
1)8TH APRIL 2007----7.3
2)24/25tH APRIL 2007--7.5
3)28TH APRIL 2007---7.1
4)2/3rd may 2007---7.8
5)10th MAY 2007---7.8
Here are some quastion to plate tectonic theory
1). how quake occur at safe zones (not on plate boundry)-LATUR -INDIA quake of 30th sept 1993
2) how major quakes occure on given dates all over the globe on various plates-cluster of quakes on a given dates
3) how pre shocks are explained in plate tectonic theory.
4) how the land masses Laurasia and Gondwanaland seperated initialy.
1)19TH NOV 2006----6.5 INTENSITY
2)11/12 TH DEC 2006---7.2
3) 18TH DEC 2006-------6.9
4) 24TH DEC 2006------6.4
1)8TH APRIL 2007----7.3
2)24/25tH APRIL 2007--7.5
3)28TH APRIL 2007---7.1
4)2/3rd may 2007---7.8
5)10th MAY 2007---7.8
I shall give some details by which an earthquake can be predicted with fair amount of accuracy.
however before that I would like to know how many believe that it can be predicted.
we need to think out of the box and stop thinking that only plate tectonic theory is correct.
I shall give some details by which an earthquake can be predicted with fair amount of accuracy.
however before that I would like to know how many believe that it can be predicted.
we need to think out of the box and stop thinking that only plate tectonic theory is correct.
The WorldWideHelp Group is blogging the recent Indonesia/Java Earthquake and the subsequent Tsunami at the WorldWideHelp Blog. Please go there for regular updates and relief/aid information.
By Rebecca Whitney
The Pictorial
Jul 08 2006
VICTORIA, BC - A minor earthquake on Tuesday had some people in the Cowichan Valley rumbling in their boots.
Pacific Geoscience Centre reported the quake, with a magnitude of 3.7, was centred in the Strait of Juan de Fuca 20 kilometres off the coast of Victoria.
Earthquakes on the scale of Tuesday’s shake do not generally cause damage — and in this instance there was no damage reported — although some Victoria residence reported incidences of things falling from shelves.
“You don’t start to get damage until you get to a 5 or 5.5 and even then only in poorly built structures,” said Natural Resources Canada earthquake seismologist Taimi Mulder.
“A 3.7 would feel like a truck slamming into your house — a real short, sharp jerk,” said Mulder.
As you move further from the epicenter of the quake, the frequency of the waves lengthen and therefore the quake is felt as more of a swaying of the ground.
People as far up Island as Shawnigan Lake and Cobble Hill reported feeling the earth move under their feet, but only very slightly.
According to Mulder there were three reports written in from the south Cowichan region stating the quake felt like a “strong gust of wind hitting the house” and an audible “vibration” that didn’t cause any movement.
Earthquakes of this magnitude occur a couple of times a year in southwestern British Columbia, and Mulder says “every couple of months an earthquake will occur that is strong enough to be felt.”
Mulder asks Vancouver Island residents to report to Natural Resources Canada if they feel an earthquake because people’s experiences are valuable tools in measuring and analyzing earthquakes.
“People’s experiences provide us with really valuable local information, said Mulder.
If you get shaken by a quake log onto www.earthquakescanada.ca and click on Did You Feel it.
The Pictorial
Jul 08 2006
VICTORIA, BC - A minor earthquake on Tuesday had some people in the Cowichan Valley rumbling in their boots.
Pacific Geoscience Centre reported the quake, with a magnitude of 3.7, was centred in the Strait of Juan de Fuca 20 kilometres off the coast of Victoria.
Earthquakes on the scale of Tuesday’s shake do not generally cause damage — and in this instance there was no damage reported — although some Victoria residence reported incidences of things falling from shelves.
“You don’t start to get damage until you get to a 5 or 5.5 and even then only in poorly built structures,” said Natural Resources Canada earthquake seismologist Taimi Mulder.
“A 3.7 would feel like a truck slamming into your house — a real short, sharp jerk,” said Mulder.
As you move further from the epicenter of the quake, the frequency of the waves lengthen and therefore the quake is felt as more of a swaying of the ground.
People as far up Island as Shawnigan Lake and Cobble Hill reported feeling the earth move under their feet, but only very slightly.
According to Mulder there were three reports written in from the south Cowichan region stating the quake felt like a “strong gust of wind hitting the house” and an audible “vibration” that didn’t cause any movement.
Earthquakes of this magnitude occur a couple of times a year in southwestern British Columbia, and Mulder says “every couple of months an earthquake will occur that is strong enough to be felt.”
Mulder asks Vancouver Island residents to report to Natural Resources Canada if they feel an earthquake because people’s experiences are valuable tools in measuring and analyzing earthquakes.
“People’s experiences provide us with really valuable local information, said Mulder.
If you get shaken by a quake log onto www.earthquakescanada.ca and click on Did You Feel it.
Posted by
british columbia,
vancouver island,

A tsunami warning system covering the Indian Ocean region is now "up and running", UNESCO has said. The UN organisation, which has overseen the project, says the whole region can now receive and distribute warnings of possible tsunamis.
The system is in place 18 months after the devastating tsunami of December 2004 that killed more than 200,000. The Pacific region has had a system for 40 years and others are planned for the Atlantic, Mediterranean and Caribbean.
Koichiro Matsuura, director-general of the UN's scientific and cultural organisation, said the nations involved should be "justly proud of having done all this and much more".
There are 26 national tsunami information centres receiving information from 25 new seismographic stations. There are also three deep-ocean sensors to detect and report tsunamis.
Read the Full Article at BBC News
Read the UNESCO Press Release
The system is in place 18 months after the devastating tsunami of December 2004 that killed more than 200,000. The Pacific region has had a system for 40 years and others are planned for the Atlantic, Mediterranean and Caribbean.
Koichiro Matsuura, director-general of the UN's scientific and cultural organisation, said the nations involved should be "justly proud of having done all this and much more".
There are 26 national tsunami information centres receiving information from 25 new seismographic stations. There are also three deep-ocean sensors to detect and report tsunamis.
Read the Full Article at BBC News
Read the UNESCO Press Release
SAN MARTIN, June 15, 2006 - A magnitude 4.7 earthquake struck the south San Francisco Bay area early Thursday, but there were no reports of injuries or damage, authorities said.
The quake struck at 5:24 a.m. PDT about 6 miles east of San Martin, a town of 4,200 people in a rural part of southern Santa Clara County, and was followed by three smaller quakes, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
The quake could be felt in San Francisco, about 70 miles north of the epicenter.
No one was hurt and there were no reports of damage, according to the Santa Clara County sheriff's department and police in Gilroy, about 8 miles from where the quake struck.
The quake struck at 5:24 a.m. PDT about 6 miles east of San Martin, a town of 4,200 people in a rural part of southern Santa Clara County, and was followed by three smaller quakes, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
The quake could be felt in San Francisco, about 70 miles north of the epicenter.
No one was hurt and there were no reports of damage, according to the Santa Clara County sheriff's department and police in Gilroy, about 8 miles from where the quake struck.
Posted by
Northern California,
san francisco,
san martin,
santa clara county

Just a heads-up that the World Wide Help Group is blogging about the floods in Suriname at http://worldwidehelp.blogspot.com/.
Information from and about Suriname in general, and the flood situation in particular would be most appreciated. As would information about aid efforts, whether official, NGO-led or ad-hoc, national or international. Mail us at suriname[AT]worldwidehelp[DOT]info.
And we could really use your help if you can translate from and to Dutch.
Information from and about Suriname in general, and the flood situation in particular would be most appreciated. As would information about aid efforts, whether official, NGO-led or ad-hoc, national or international. Mail us at suriname[AT]worldwidehelp[DOT]info.
And we could really use your help if you can translate from and to Dutch.
From the Associated Press:
A magnitude-8.0 earthquake struck early Thursday near the South Pacific nation of Tonga, the U.S. Geological Survey said. A tsunami warning was issued for Fiji and New Zealand.
The temblor, classified by the USGS as a "great" quake, struck 95 miles south of Neiafu, Tonga, and 1,340 miles north-northeast of Auckland, New Zealand.
The U.S. Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued the tsunami warning but said it was not known whether the quake generated a potentially deadly giant wave.
The Following Earthquake has been Reported:
Date: 2006/03/31 21:14:40.8
Region: Talaud Islands, Indonesia
Magnitude: Mo 6.1
Latitude: 3.8947 N
Longitude: 126.3045 E
Institute: NEI
Injured Exp. min/max: 0 / 0
Fatalities Exp. min/max: 0 / 0
The earthquake is located 40 km off shore. Only small settlements along the coast.
More Information can be found here:
Date: 2006/03/31 21:14:40.8
Region: Talaud Islands, Indonesia
Magnitude: Mo 6.1
Latitude: 3.8947 N
Longitude: 126.3045 E
Institute: NEI
Injured Exp. min/max: 0 / 0
Fatalities Exp. min/max: 0 / 0
The earthquake is located 40 km off shore. Only small settlements along the coast.
More Information can be found here:
Associated Press
Feb. 22 - An earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 7.5 struck Mozambique, the U.S. Geological Survey said Wednesday. There was no immediate word on injuries or damages.
The quake hit at 12:19 a.m. Thursday local time. Its epicenter was 140 miles southwest of Beira, on Mozambique's Indian Ocean coast, USGS spokeswoman Clarice Ransom said. She said the initial reading had been 6.9 but was adjusted upward.
The earthquake was felt as far away as Durban, South Africa, and Harare, Zimbabwe.
A newspaper editor in Maputo said he was in the 11th floor of an apartment building that was rocked by the quake.
"It shook a lot. We could feel it very strongly," Fernando Velosa, editor of Jornal de Mocambique, told Lisbon radio station TSF. Portugal is the former colonial ruler of the African nation.
The quake was shallow, which increases the potential for damage, said Dale Grant, a geophysics with the USGS National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, Colo., which is a clearinghouse for temblors worldwide.
"It was felt very widely in in the epicentral area, though it's not a very heavily populated area," Grant said. "There is certain to be damage, but so far, we've had absolutely no word of damage."


Feb. 22 - An earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 7.5 struck Mozambique, the U.S. Geological Survey said Wednesday. There was no immediate word on injuries or damages.
The quake hit at 12:19 a.m. Thursday local time. Its epicenter was 140 miles southwest of Beira, on Mozambique's Indian Ocean coast, USGS spokeswoman Clarice Ransom said. She said the initial reading had been 6.9 but was adjusted upward.
The earthquake was felt as far away as Durban, South Africa, and Harare, Zimbabwe.
A newspaper editor in Maputo said he was in the 11th floor of an apartment building that was rocked by the quake.
"It shook a lot. We could feel it very strongly," Fernando Velosa, editor of Jornal de Mocambique, told Lisbon radio station TSF. Portugal is the former colonial ruler of the African nation.
The quake was shallow, which increases the potential for damage, said Dale Grant, a geophysics with the USGS National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, Colo., which is a clearinghouse for temblors worldwide.
"It was felt very widely in in the epicentral area, though it's not a very heavily populated area," Grant said. "There is certain to be damage, but so far, we've had absolutely no word of damage."


This in from a friend in the Andamans.
I don't know if this blog is still active but I need help...
I've recently started work, with PRAYAS Andaman & Nicobar, in one of the worst affected Areas during the Tsunami of 26th December 2004. My organisation has been here since the relief phase, and we basically work with child rights and ensuring that Children are restored to their pre-tsunami (or even better by peaking any pre-tsunami acmes)states of life.
Life here is difficult but the work... Is endless...!
The relief work has long stopped and we are in the process of rehabilitation and rebuilding... And this is as equally crucial a phase as the relief phase...
We need the world not to forget us...!
The reason I'm posting here is to seek help with getting Medical (peadiatric, ENT, Opth, Dermatology, Nursing, first-aid etc) and Education (Teachers and Teacher-Trainers) specialists over to the islands, with the view of conducting camps and workshops (orientation, refresher and capacity-building)here.
I still am in the process of formulating an overall plan and would appreciate tips and Ideas.
If anyone has anything for me i'm contactable at vijay DOT jivay2003 AT gmail DOT com
EVERETT, Wash. -- Residents near Everett and surrounding areas felt a 3.6 magnitude earthquake Thursday evening just before 6 p.m.
The University of Washington, Department of Earth and Space Sciences reported the earthquake at 5:47 p.m., 9 miles west of Everett with a depth of 19 miles.
That puts the center of the earthquake on the south end of Whidbey Island.
People who felt the earthquake called the KIRO 7 newsroom from Camano Island, Everett, Queen Anne Hill, Arlington, and Port Ludlow.
There were no reports of damage or injuries.
EVERETT, Wash. -- Residents near Everett and surrounding areas felt a 3.6 magnitude earthquake Thursday evening just before 6 p.m.
The University of Washington, Department of Earth and Space Sciences reported the earthquake at 5:47 p.m., 9 miles west of Everett with a depth of 19 miles.
That puts the center of the earthquake on the south end of Whidbey Island.
People who felt the earthquake called the KIRO 7 newsroom from Camano Island, Everett, Queen Anne Hill, Arlington, and Port Ludlow.
There were no reports of damage or injuries.
Associated Press
A minor earthquake was reported in Portland Saturday evening. There were no immediate reports of injury of damage.
The U.S. National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, Colo., put the intensity at 2.8, near the lower levels normally felt by humans. An intensity of 3 was registered on seismographs at some other points.
The epicenter was listed as being in close-in northeast Portland about 10 miles deep.
Geophysicist Dale Grant at the National Earthquake Information Center in Golden said a quake of that magnitude may be felt "but it's not going to do damage of any significance."
Nearly 17,000 earthquakes of magnitude 1 to 6 have been recorded in Oregon and Washington since 1970. Between 15 and 20 quakes a year are strong enough to be felt in the Northwest. Those are usually magnitude 3 to 4, according to the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries.
A minor earthquake was reported in Portland Saturday evening. There were no immediate reports of injury of damage.
The U.S. National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, Colo., put the intensity at 2.8, near the lower levels normally felt by humans. An intensity of 3 was registered on seismographs at some other points.
The epicenter was listed as being in close-in northeast Portland about 10 miles deep.
Geophysicist Dale Grant at the National Earthquake Information Center in Golden said a quake of that magnitude may be felt "but it's not going to do damage of any significance."
Nearly 17,000 earthquakes of magnitude 1 to 6 have been recorded in Oregon and Washington since 1970. Between 15 and 20 quakes a year are strong enough to be felt in the Northwest. Those are usually magnitude 3 to 4, according to the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries.
A magnitude-7.7 earthquake rocked eastern Indonesia early Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. There was no danger of a tsunami. The quake struck at 0158 Saturday (1658 GMT Friday) in the Banda Sea, about 120 miles south of Ambon city, the USGC said on its Web site. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.
The quake's hypocentral depth was estimated to be 342 km (212 miles). The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said no destructive tsunami threat existed. Indonesia, the world's largest archipelago, is prone to seismic upheaval because of its location atop a volcanically active region known as the Pacific "Ring of Fire."
Source: USGS via Associated Press
The quake's hypocentral depth was estimated to be 342 km (212 miles). The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said no destructive tsunami threat existed. Indonesia, the world's largest archipelago, is prone to seismic upheaval because of its location atop a volcanically active region known as the Pacific "Ring of Fire."
Source: USGS via Associated Press
associated press
MORGAN HILL – An earthquake with a preliminary-magnitude of 3.7 struck a rural area south of the San Francisco Bay area on Wednesday morning, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
The quake, which struck just before 7:30 a.m., was centered in an area 20 miles northeast of Morgan Hill and 23 miles east of San Jose in Santa Clara County, the USGS. said.
Neither the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Department nor the Morgan Hill Police Department received any immediate reports of injuries or damage.
MORGAN HILL – An earthquake with a preliminary-magnitude of 3.7 struck a rural area south of the San Francisco Bay area on Wednesday morning, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
The quake, which struck just before 7:30 a.m., was centered in an area 20 miles northeast of Morgan Hill and 23 miles east of San Jose in Santa Clara County, the USGS. said.
Neither the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Department nor the Morgan Hill Police Department received any immediate reports of injuries or damage.
Published: January 17th, 2006 02:30 AM
An earthquake described as “a miniature version” of the Nisqually quake that rocked Seattle nearly five years ago was a wake-up call in more ways than one, a scientist said.
Many residents in and around the British Columbia provincial capital and the Gulf Islands and a few on the mainland were jolted awake by the 3.9 magnitude quake at 4:29 a.m. Sunday, said John Cassidy, a seismologist with Natural Resources Canada.
About 200 people submitted reports on the agency’s Web site, most saying they felt the shaking for several seconds, Cassidy said.
There was no significant damage, just two or three reports of a few items being knocked from shelves, but the quake should be a reminder of the possibility of much bigger and more dangerous ones, he said.
“It’s been fairly quiet in terms of felt earthquakes for a couple of years here in Victoria, and that’s a bit unusual,” he said. “We generally have one or two small earthquakes a year that are felt on southern Vancouver Island.”
The quake was centered about 27 miles beneath Finlayson Arm near Bamberton, about 15 miles north of Victoria, and occurred within the Juan de Fuca plate, which is slipping beneath the North American plate of the Earth’s crust at the rate of about 11/2 to 2 inches a year, Cassidy said.
The Associated Press
Published: January 17th, 2006 02:30 AM
An earthquake described as “a miniature version” of the Nisqually quake that rocked Seattle nearly five years ago was a wake-up call in more ways than one, a scientist said.
Many residents in and around the British Columbia provincial capital and the Gulf Islands and a few on the mainland were jolted awake by the 3.9 magnitude quake at 4:29 a.m. Sunday, said John Cassidy, a seismologist with Natural Resources Canada.
About 200 people submitted reports on the agency’s Web site, most saying they felt the shaking for several seconds, Cassidy said.
There was no significant damage, just two or three reports of a few items being knocked from shelves, but the quake should be a reminder of the possibility of much bigger and more dangerous ones, he said.
“It’s been fairly quiet in terms of felt earthquakes for a couple of years here in Victoria, and that’s a bit unusual,” he said. “We generally have one or two small earthquakes a year that are felt on southern Vancouver Island.”
The quake was centered about 27 miles beneath Finlayson Arm near Bamberton, about 15 miles north of Victoria, and occurred within the Juan de Fuca plate, which is slipping beneath the North American plate of the Earth’s crust at the rate of about 11/2 to 2 inches a year, Cassidy said.
The Associated Press
Written for the web by Bob Montgomery, Internet News Producer
Residents of eastern Santa Clara County got an early wakeup call this morning when an earthquake rumbled through the region.
The temblor, which struck at 2:42 a.m., had a magnitude of 3.6. It was centered 21 miles east of San Jose, near the border between Santa Clara and Stanislaus counties. The quake occurred at a depth of 3.2 miles.
The shaker was strong enough to wake up some residents of the area, but did not cause any significant damage or injuries. It was felt in a number of South Bay communities, including Morgan Hill, Alum Rock and parts of San Jose.
Residents of eastern Santa Clara County got an early wakeup call this morning when an earthquake rumbled through the region.
The temblor, which struck at 2:42 a.m., had a magnitude of 3.6. It was centered 21 miles east of San Jose, near the border between Santa Clara and Stanislaus counties. The quake occurred at a depth of 3.2 miles.
The shaker was strong enough to wake up some residents of the area, but did not cause any significant damage or injuries. It was felt in a number of South Bay communities, including Morgan Hill, Alum Rock and parts of San Jose.
Posted by
alum rock,
morgan hill,
Northern California,
san jose,
santa clara county

ATHENS, Greece - A powerful earthquake shook Greece on Sunday and was felt as far away as the Middle East and Italy. Minor damage was reported in southern Greece, and authorities on the island of Crete said three people were slightly injured.
No tsunami warnings were issued.
The Athens Geodynamic Institute said the epicenter of the 6.9-magnitude quake was located beneath the seabed about 125 miles south of Athens and 12 miles east of the island of Kithira in the Sea of Crete.
"It was a very powerful quake which shook all of Greece. There have been dozens of aftershocks," institute head Giorgos Stavrakakis said. "The quake occurred deep undersea and that's what saved us."
Stavrakakis said he did not expect any serious aftershocks.
The earthquake, which lasted for several seconds, occurred at 1:34 p.m. and was felt as far away as Cairo, Egypt, about 745 miles southeast of the epicenter.
The quake also was felt across southern Italy but there were no reports of damage or injuries, Italian news reports said.
Clarice Nassif Ransom, a U.S. Geological Survey spokeswoman in Washington, said scientists project that as many as 6 million people may have felt the earthquake.
Police on Crete, just south of Kithira, said three people suffered minor injuries.
On Kithira, regional governor Yiannis Mihas said 50 homes in the village of Mitata were damaged, and the village church was close to collapse.
ATHENS, Greece - A powerful earthquake shook Greece on Sunday and was felt as far away as the Middle East and Italy. Minor damage was reported in southern Greece, and authorities on the island of Crete said three people were slightly injured.
No tsunami warnings were issued.
The Athens Geodynamic Institute said the epicenter of the 6.9-magnitude quake was located beneath the seabed about 125 miles south of Athens and 12 miles east of the island of Kithira in the Sea of Crete.
"It was a very powerful quake which shook all of Greece. There have been dozens of aftershocks," institute head Giorgos Stavrakakis said. "The quake occurred deep undersea and that's what saved us."
Stavrakakis said he did not expect any serious aftershocks.
The earthquake, which lasted for several seconds, occurred at 1:34 p.m. and was felt as far away as Cairo, Egypt, about 745 miles southeast of the epicenter.
The quake also was felt across southern Italy but there were no reports of damage or injuries, Italian news reports said.
Clarice Nassif Ransom, a U.S. Geological Survey spokeswoman in Washington, said scientists project that as many as 6 million people may have felt the earthquake.
Police on Crete, just south of Kithira, said three people suffered minor injuries.
On Kithira, regional governor Yiannis Mihas said 50 homes in the village of Mitata were damaged, and the village church was close to collapse.
BEN LOMOND — Residents across Santa Cruz County were shaken awake this morning by a small earthquake that hit about 6:05 a.m.
No injuries or damages were reported. The 3.1 magnitude temblor struck about 2 miles from Ben Lomond, and originated 6.3 miles beneath the earth’s surface, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
“It woke people up, and we got about 8 or 9 calls asking about damage,” Sheriff’s Lt. Steve Hartness said, adding that it felt like a truck had hit his house. “There was nothing to report.”
Many people, such as Karen Randall of Ben Lomond, weren’t sure the quick jolt was actually an earthquake.
“We all kind of wondered what it was,” said Randall, who had already arrived to work at Ben Lomond Market on Highway 9 when the quake struck. “I just heard a noise. It was kind of weird.”
No injuries or damages were reported. The 3.1 magnitude temblor struck about 2 miles from Ben Lomond, and originated 6.3 miles beneath the earth’s surface, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
“It woke people up, and we got about 8 or 9 calls asking about damage,” Sheriff’s Lt. Steve Hartness said, adding that it felt like a truck had hit his house. “There was nothing to report.”
Many people, such as Karen Randall of Ben Lomond, weren’t sure the quick jolt was actually an earthquake.
“We all kind of wondered what it was,” said Randall, who had already arrived to work at Ben Lomond Market on Highway 9 when the quake struck. “I just heard a noise. It was kind of weird.”
Posted by
ben lomand,
Northern California,
santa cruz county

A strong earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.7 has hit the Gulf of California, about 435 miles south of San Diego.
The quake struck at 12:32 AM (1/4/06) Pacific Coast time and was preceded by a series of at least three quakes that registered over 4.0 on the Richter scale.
It is still too soon for reports of damage or injuries, but the quake did occur within 75 miles of some populated areas.
01:40AM (1/4/05)
The following is a release by the United States Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center: A strong earthquake occurred 90 km (55 miles) NNE of Santa Rosalia, Baja Calif. Sur, Mexico and 1620 km (1010 miles) NW of MEXICO CITY, D.F., Mexico at 1:32 AM MST, Jan 4, 2006 (1:32 AM MST in Mexico). The magnitude and location may be revised when additional data and further analysis results are available. There have been no reports of damage.
The quake struck at 12:32 AM (1/4/06) Pacific Coast time and was preceded by a series of at least three quakes that registered over 4.0 on the Richter scale.
It is still too soon for reports of damage or injuries, but the quake did occur within 75 miles of some populated areas.
01:40AM (1/4/05)
The following is a release by the United States Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center: A strong earthquake occurred 90 km (55 miles) NNE of Santa Rosalia, Baja Calif. Sur, Mexico and 1620 km (1010 miles) NW of MEXICO CITY, D.F., Mexico at 1:32 AM MST, Jan 4, 2006 (1:32 AM MST in Mexico). The magnitude and location may be revised when additional data and further analysis results are available. There have been no reports of damage.
The following is a release by the United States Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center:
A major earthquake occurred EAST OF THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS, about 345 Km (215 miles) SE of Bristol Island, South Sandwich Islands, or about 3945 km (2450 mi) south-southeast of Buenos Aires, Argentina at 11:10 PM MST, Jan 1, 2006 (Jan 02 at 5:10 AM local time in South Atlantic Ocean).
The magnitude and location may be revised when additional data and further analysis results are available. This earthquake is located in a remote area and no damage or casualties are expected
A major earthquake occurred EAST OF THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS, about 345 Km (215 miles) SE of Bristol Island, South Sandwich Islands, or about 3945 km (2450 mi) south-southeast of Buenos Aires, Argentina at 11:10 PM MST, Jan 1, 2006 (Jan 02 at 5:10 AM local time in South Atlantic Ocean).
The magnitude and location may be revised when additional data and further analysis results are available. This earthquake is located in a remote area and no damage or casualties are expected
A 3.9-magnitude earthquake hit near Kettleman City on Saturday afternoon (12/31/05).
The quake struck at 1:30 p.m. about eight miles southeast of Kettleman City, according to the U.S. Geological Survey's Web site.
There were no reports of damage or injuries, said senior deputy Jesse Ferrell with the Kings County Sheriff's Department.
The quake struck at 1:30 p.m. about eight miles southeast of Kettleman City, according to the U.S. Geological Survey's Web site.
There were no reports of damage or injuries, said senior deputy Jesse Ferrell with the Kings County Sheriff's Department.
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