'What can we do?' Architects of the world ask

The moment the scale of the disaster caused by the Indian Ocean tsunami came to be known, the phone in Cameron Sinclair's tiny New York studio began to ring. Incessantly. And, as it rang, emails flooded into West 20th Street. Sinclair runs Architecture for Humanity, a small but effective pressure group founded in 1999 aimed at directing design talent to areas of the world affected by trauma, from earthquakes (such as Bam) to the Aids epidemic (sub-Saharan Africa), to war (Kosovo), and now the great waves that struck the south Asian coastlines on December 26.

So what does he tell them? "Now's not the time for them to switch off their computers and rush for the next flight to Indonesia or Sri Lanka where they'd have little to offer, and would be just more mouths to feed. My advice to them is to study, to learn the skills that will make their contribution truly useful when diasaster strikes in the future."

Source: Guardian


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