India: Save The Family Life Starter Kit Unveiled

Couple of NGOs (HOPE & IMGEERF) in India have come up with an innovative relief package which helps one family to get back to a normal life. From their press release:

Today, three Indian families whose homes and livelihoods were wiped out by the tsunami were given a new future, thanks to an innovative program called Save the Family. The initiative, which is jointly sponsored by the IMGE Emergency Relief Fund and HOPE worldwide, ltd., consists of Life Packages that will provide tsunami-afflicted families the means to quickly rebuild their lives and their livelihoods.

Read the Full Press Release here

Visit IMGEERF's website for more information (Ed. Their site seems to be down right now)

Please Direct Contributions For "Save The Family" To:

Save The Family

One Bridge Plaza, Suite 690

Fort Lee, N.J. 07024

United States


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