Appeal launched for tsunami hit industries

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has launched an urgent appeal for $26 million to help rebuild Asia's fishing and farming sectors after the tsunami.

The FAO says money is urgently needed to finance rehabilitation projects over the next six months.

Fisheries and aquaculture are the most seriously affected sectors, with boats and fishing gear lost and fish farms damaged beyond repair.

The UN also says livestock have been killed and that crops were washed away or are dying due to saltwater floods.

The aid package will include seeds, tools and other farm help to re-establish crops, while fishermen will be provided with nets to begin small-scale fishing.

Agronomists have already been sent to affected countries and the FAO will meet Government representatives later today to discuss the appeal.

The Australian Government says its has not been specifically requested to help rebuild the farm and fishing industries, but is monitoring the situation.

Source: ABC News, Australia


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