LEGEND for OVERVIEW: Size = My surety of area for quake.
Red Circle = Probable quake to STRONG quake.
Triangle = Very Strong/Stronger quake (Usually takes extra days).
Blue Circle, etc. = Uncertainty of symptom area for probable quake.
Gold Circle = Volcanic symptom.
(If I find a matching symptom in my database I will give a
probable magnitude.
Places to watch.
Good luck to all.
For Saturday, 22 October 2011.
(Possible major quaking in Southern California area
and Southern Atlantic Ocean and Turkey area
and Central California and Honshu, Japan area
and Germany/Poland area
and North Pacific Ocean (40.77N 165.54E)
(55.01N 165.69E)
as posted on: For Thursday, 22 September 2011.)
Pinnacles, CA area (36.431 -120.954)
to Lake Nacimiento, CA area (35.640 -120.931)
(May be synchronized with chunk symptom for
this day. Second day symptoms. Probable 5
or stronger and probable multiples)
KORYAKIA, RUSSIA area (61.00N 166.54E)
(May be synchronized with chunk symptom for
this day. Probable 5 or stronger and
probable multiples)
(Probable 3.5 and probable multiples)
Possible 6 or stronger in Honshu, Japan area -
Chunk symptoms but difficult to locate
coordinates or timing - may not occur
until 22 November if at all.
Stallion Springs, CA area (35.087 -118.730)
(Probable 3 and probable multiples)
KYRGYZSTAN area (41.52N 71.40E)
(Probable 3.5 and probable multiples)
(35.069 81.151) (Probable 3.5
and probable multiples)
GREENLAND SEA area (78.78 3.50) (May
include Iceland. Probable 3.5
and probable multiples)
Romania area (45.9N 22.6E)
to SLOVENIA (46.36N 13.64E) (Second
day symptoms. Probable 3.5
and probable multiples)
Tonga Islands area (18.83S 173.47W)
(Probable 5 and probable multiples)
Jacumba Hot Springs, CA area
(32.093 -115.808) (May be synchronized
with chunk symptom for this day. Probable 5
or stronger and probable multiples)
Quitman, AR area (35.362N 92.273W)
(Probable 2.5 and probable multiples)
MOLUCCA SEA area (0.20S 125.20E)
(Probable 4.5 and probable multiples)
Peace to all.

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