Kermadec Island earthquake of 7.7 on 7th July 2011

Mumbai city receives nearly 2500 mm of rainfall every year. We ,in Municipal corporation clean the drais and open gutter during April and May every year.
During June to September every year we provide portable deisel pump sets at flooding spots.
As I am inchrge of Engineering Vigilence dept of Mech and Elec wing it becomes very hectic every year during these period.
Hence I could not up load July dates as a seperate blog
Nevertheless pl see my annual dates
where July 9 is mentioned as 7+ quake date.
Santosh ,here is clue for cycle quale.June 30/ 1st July 2011 was given for June .This is yet another cycle quake

please see my web page and go to calender for July 2011

I believe,there will be yet another 6.5+ either to day 8th or 9th July 2011
Roger, even if we take 9 th as my date(predicted ) for 7+ quake, what are the odds of getting hit with + or - 3 days ?( because it occured on 6 th July 2011- UTC and 7th as per IST)


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