LEGEND for OVERVIEW: Size = My surety of area for quake.
Red Circle = Probable quake to STRONG quake.
Triangle = Very Strong/Stronger quake (Usually takes extra days).
Blue Circle, etc. = Uncertainty of symptom area for probable quake.
Gold Circle = Volcanic symptom.
(If I find a matching symptom in my database I will give a
probable magnitude.)
Places to watch.
Good luck to all.
For Thursday, 16 December 2010.
POLAND (51.22N 15.73E)
to Czech and Slovak Republics area
(50.93N 15.77E) (Becoming daily
symptoms. Probable 4
and probable multiples)
2010-12-16 14:32:02.5 50.59 N 13.71 E 2 1.9 CZECH REPUBLIC
2010-12-16 11:00:01.7 50.20 N 12.67 E 2 2.1 CZECH REPUBLIC
(5.79N 126.82E) (Different symptom
but second day for area. Probable 5.5
and probable multiples)
2010-12-16 20:03:32.0 10.47 N 126.04 E 122 5.0 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION
2010-12-16 15:17:50.0 10.58 N 126.31 E 90 4.5 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION
2010-12-17 04:51:35.0 4.82 N 124.65 E 57 4.4 CELEBES SEA
2010-12-18 18:11:21.0 10.39 N 126.17 E 80 4.6 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION
2010-12-18 06:12:00.0 10.35 N 125.96 E 122 4.8 LEYTE, PHILIPPINES
2010-12-18 05:06:29.0 10.42 N 126.20 E 75 5.4 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION
The New Madrid Fault/Guy, AR area
(35.310 -92.310) (Second day symptoms
for area. Probable 3.5 and probable multiples)
2.1 2010/12/16 20:06:19 35.304N 92.328W 2.1 2 km ( 2 mi) SSE of Guy, AR
1.6 2010/12/16 16:22:35 35.347N 92.293W 2.3 4 km ( 3 mi) ENE of Guy, AR
HARDANGER NORWAY area (60.25 6.74)
(Second day symptoms for area.
Probable 3.5 and probable multiples)
Origin time Lat Lon Azres Timres Wres Nphase Ntot Nsta Netmag
2010-349: 67.80 1.89 5.20 0.18 1.48 2 2 1 3.21
Origin time Lat Lon Azres Timres Wres Nphase Ntot Nsta Netmag
2010-350: 57.90 12.75 13.32 4.37 7.70 4 8 3 2.93
Origin time Lat Lon Azres Timres Wres Nphase Ntot Nsta Netmag
2010-350: 59.59 18.81 10.63 7.88 10.54 4 5 3 2.52
Origin time Lat Lon Azres Timres Wres Nphase Ntot Nsta Netmag
2010-350: 59.56 4.24 13.66 2.92 6.33 3 3 3 2.42
Origin time Lat Lon Azres Timres Wres Nphase Ntot Nsta Netmag
2010-350: 66.83 12.76 13.95 0.16 3.65 2 2 1 2.25
KYRGYZSTAN area (40.50N 73.07E)
(Probable 4 and probable multiples)
(Nothing found)
TLACOLULA, OAX area (17.02 -96.38)
(Probable 4 and probable multiples)
2010-12-15 17:56:23 16.48 -94.82 81 4.4 1 km al NORESTE de UNION HIDALGO, OAX
2010-12-15 13:35:08 32.82 -115.74 6 3.8 26 km al NOROESTE de SANTA ISABEL, BC
2010-12-15 13:16:48 33.07 -115.55 7 4.3 46 km al NORTE de MEXICALI, BC
2010-12-15 05:02:48 32.28 -115.13 15 3.6 3 km al SUROESTE de GPE VICTORIA(KM.43), BC
2010-12-16 22:12:09 19.58 -109.08 5 4.9 377 km al SUR de CABO SAN LUCAS, BCS
2010-12-16 22:06:47 13.96 -91.86 5 3.5 86 km al SURESTE de CD HIDALGO, CHIS
2010-12-16 18:58:19 15.81 -93.81 124 4.0 31 km al SUR de TONALA, CHIS
2010-12-16 12:38:16 16.64 -99.66 15 4.0 34 km al SUROESTE de SAN MARCOS, GRO
2010-12-16 04:07:45 14.0 -92.43 20 4.0 81 km al SUROESTE de CD HIDALGO, CHIS
2010-12-16 04:04:50 16.83 -100.13 5 4.1 20 km al SUR de COYUCA DE BENITEZ, GRO
2010-12-17 18:50:12 18.46 -104.31 16 3.8 65 km al SUROESTE de CD DE ARMERIA, COL
2010-12-17 16:18:28 15.23 -92.21 3 3.3 15 km al SUR de MOTOZINTLA, CHIS
2010-12-17 16:00:26 15.29 -92.04 167 3.9 24 km al SURESTE de MOTOZINTLA, CHIS
2010-12-17 07:25:32 14.71 -92.83 53 4.0 61 km al SUROESTE de HUIXTLA, CHIS
2010-12-17 02:55:43 15.03 -93.43 68 4.0 73 km al SUROESTE de MAPASTEPEC, CHIS
2010-12-17 02:16:29 15.9 -91.27 5 3.8 89 km al SURESTE de LAS MARGARITAS, CHIS
Volcano, HI (19.403 -155.272)
(Probable 3.5 and probable multiples)
2.0 2010/12/16 14:05:24 19.399 -155.491 9.9 22 km ( 13 mi) N of Pahala, HI
1.8 2010/12/16 13:50:08 19.289 -155.313 50.4 20 km ( 12 mi) SSW of Volcano, HI
Jacumba Hot Springs, CA area
(32.197 -115.877) (Probable 3.5
and probable multiples)
1.4 2010/12/15 23:23:44 32.937 -115.272 7.2 17 km ( 11 mi) NE of Holtville, CA
1.9 2010/12/15 23:18:00 33.014 -115.551 8.0 4 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
1.4 2010/12/15 22:42:57 33.020 -115.542 9.8 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.5 2010/12/15 22:34:42 33.006 -115.552 5.8 4 km ( 2 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
1.4 2010/12/15 22:33:59 33.016 -115.556 8.2 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
1.7 2010/12/15 22:27:14 33.027 -115.538 9.5 6 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.7 2010/12/15 22:24:27 33.032 -115.539 10.3 6 km ( 4 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.4 2010/12/15 22:13:26 33.028 -115.546 6.1 6 km ( 4 mi) N of Brawley, CA
2.7 2010/12/15 22:10:36 33.028 -115.538 10.1 6 km ( 4 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.6 2010/12/15 22:02:20 33.032 -115.535 8.4 6 km ( 4 mi) N of Brawley, CA
2.4 2010/12/15 21:56:59 33.027 -115.538 10.2 6 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
2.9 2010/12/15 21:55:40 33.026 -115.538 10.7 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.7 2010/12/15 21:44:59 33.022 -115.546 10.2 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
2.1 2010/12/15 21:38:01 33.025 -115.550 10.4 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
2.9 2010/12/15 21:27:53 33.024 -115.539 9.5 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.4 2010/12/15 21:23:44 33.000 -115.552 1.2 3 km ( 2 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
1.5 2010/12/15 21:15:58 33.019 -115.540 10.4 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.5 2010/12/15 21:13:31 33.025 -115.534 7.7 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.7 2010/12/15 21:09:24 33.026 -115.536 9.0 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.5 2010/12/15 21:08:30 33.017 -115.545 9.9 4 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.7 2010/12/15 21:01:35 33.020 -115.538 10.4 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
2.3 2010/12/15 20:50:02 33.030 -115.539 10.6 6 km ( 4 mi) N of Brawley, CA
2.9 2010/12/15 20:48:25 33.026 -115.536 10.2 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.5 2010/12/15 20:47:14 33.028 -115.540 8.5 6 km ( 4 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.6 2010/12/15 20:44:16 33.025 -115.544 9.6 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.4 2010/12/15 20:36:53 33.014 -115.542 9.4 4 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
2.1 2010/12/15 20:32:35 33.029 -115.539 9.7 6 km ( 4 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.5 2010/12/15 20:32:10 33.006 -115.544 10.2 3 km ( 2 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
2.5 2010/12/15 20:29:43 33.029 -115.541 8.3 6 km ( 4 mi) N of Brawley, CA
2.3 2010/12/15 20:50:02 33.030 -115.539 10.6 6 km ( 4 mi) N of Brawley, CA
2.9 2010/12/15 20:48:25 33.026 -115.536 10.2 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.5 2010/12/15 20:47:14 33.028 -115.540 8.5 6 km ( 4 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.6 2010/12/15 20:44:16 33.025 -115.544 9.6 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.4 2010/12/15 20:36:53 33.014 -115.542 9.4 4 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
2.1 2010/12/15 20:32:35 33.029 -115.539 9.7 6 km ( 4 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.5 2010/12/15 20:32:10 33.006 -115.544 10.2 3 km ( 2 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
2.5 2010/12/15 20:29:43 33.029 -115.541 8.3 6 km ( 4 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.8 2010/12/15 20:27:08 63.934 -148.899 11.2 12 km ( 7 mi) ESE of Healy, AK
1.7 2010/12/15 20:24:07 33.020 -115.537 5.4 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.5 2010/12/15 20:23:52 33.049 -115.535 4.7 8 km ( 5 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.9 2010/12/15 20:23:40 33.031 -115.540 10.1 6 km ( 4 mi) N of Brawley, CA
2.1 2010/12/15 20:20:50 33.024 -115.548 9.5 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
1.4 2010/12/15 20:19:06 33.022 -115.540 10.0 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.6 2010/12/15 20:16:41 33.008 -115.559 5.5 4 km ( 2 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
1.6 2010/12/15 20:15:42 33.032 -115.538 10.1 6 km ( 4 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.7 2010/12/15 20:13:36 33.022 -115.531 7.4 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.7 2010/12/15 20:13:22 33.028 -115.538 9.7 6 km ( 4 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.9 2010/12/15 20:08:50 33.012 -115.554 9.2 4 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
1.8 2010/12/15 20:08:01 33.014 -115.552 10.6 4 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
1.5 2010/12/15 20:05:30 33.020 -115.543 10.7 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.9 2010/12/15 19:58:54 33.028 -115.538 7.3 6 km ( 4 mi) N of Brawley, CA
2.1 2010/12/15 19:58:19 33.027 -115.541 10.3 6 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.6 2010/12/15 19:55:59 33.017 -115.549 10.9 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
1.6 2010/12/15 19:51:07 33.016 -115.550 6.8 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
2.2 2010/12/15 19:49:13 33.031 -115.539 8.8 6 km ( 4 mi) N of Brawley, CA
2.2 2010/12/15 19:45:19 33.018 -115.553 4.5 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
3.1 2010/12/15 19:44:32 33.023 -115.538 8.0 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
2.4 2010/12/15 19:40:24 33.022 -115.545 7.2 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
2.2 2010/12/15 19:38:40 33.018 -115.551 8.4 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
3.9 2010/12/15 19:35:03 33.020 -115.545 11.1 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
3.4 2010/12/15 19:33:41 33.027 -115.541 13.2 6 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.9 2010/12/15 19:32:45 33.011 -115.547 9.3 4 km ( 2 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
1.7 2010/12/15 19:31:42 33.026 -115.538 5.7 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.9 2010/12/15 19:31:29 33.022 -115.543 9.8 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.5 2010/12/15 19:31:27 33.021 -115.536 10.5 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.8 2010/12/15 19:27:07 33.014 -115.547 10.2 4 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
1.7 2010/12/15 19:25:50 33.015 -115.548 9.5 4 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
1.6 2010/12/15 19:25:34 33.019 -115.540 7.3 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
2.7 2010/12/15 19:20:47 33.020 -115.547 9.9 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
4.4 2010/12/15 19:16:47 33.033 -115.543 13.2 6 km ( 4 mi) N of Brawley, CA
2.1 2010/12/15 19:14:49 33.026 -115.538 9.6 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.7 2010/12/15 19:07:34 33.014 -115.548 9.1 4 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
1.9 2010/12/15 19:04:15 33.013 -115.549 5.0 4 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
1.9 2010/12/15 19:03:12 33.018 -115.548 5.5 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
2.4 2010/12/15 19:01:09 33.014 -115.551 8.1 4 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
2.9 2010/12/15 19:00:20 33.024 -115.532 7.7 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
2.0 2010/12/15 19:00:17 33.069 -115.562 0.2 7 km ( 4 mi) ENE of Westmorland, CA
3.7 2010/12/15 18:59:14 33.023 -115.540 10.0 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
2.0 2010/12/15 18:59:14 33.023 -115.549 9.2 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
2.7 2010/12/15 18:38:26 32.025 -115.113 10.0 30 km ( 18 mi) S of Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico
1.8 2010/12/15 17:53:00 33.020 -115.544 9.8 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.1 2010/12/15 17:48:13 33.925 -116.034 5.7 24 km ( 15 mi) S of Twentynine Palms, CA
1.5 2010/12/15 17:19:06 33.025 -115.542 9.2 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.4 2010/12/15 16:51:00 33.019 -115.546 9.6 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.6 2010/12/15 16:35:56 33.016 -115.547 5.5 4 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
1.7 2010/12/15 15:40:46 33.022 -115.543 8.8 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
2.3 2010/12/15 15:37:18 33.022 -115.551 10.2 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
2.2 2010/12/15 15:36:39 33.022 -115.541 9.9 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.6 2010/12/15 15:35:45 33.017 -115.548 9.2 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
1.7 2010/12/15 15:34:17 33.013 -115.550 10.0 4 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
2.2 2010/12/15 15:30:41 33.029 -115.539 8.9 6 km ( 4 mi) N of Brawley, CA
3.3 2010/12/15 15:27:47 33.026 -115.547 10.6 6 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.6 2010/12/15 15:20:02 33.018 -115.548 7.0 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
1.8 2010/12/15 14:34:33 33.018 -115.546 9.4 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.5 2010/12/15 14:33:00 33.039 -115.536 10.0 7 km ( 4 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.6 2010/12/15 14:23:23 33.020 -115.548 5.3 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
1.6 2010/12/15 14:23:05 33.018 -115.548 9.2 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
1.6 2010/12/15 14:18:29 33.025 -115.546 9.9 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.8 2010/12/15 14:10:13 33.013 -115.543 7.0 4 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.8 2010/12/15 14:09:07 33.027 -115.549 11.1 6 km ( 4 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
2.2 2010/12/16 23:15:52 32.596 -115.769 4.7 23 km ( 14 mi) SSW of Seeley, CA
3.1 2010/12/16 22:20:07 32.585 -115.757 4.3 24 km ( 15 mi) SSW of Seeley, CA
1.5 2010/12/16 18:59:42 33.007 -115.551 11.4 4 km ( 2 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
1.3 2010/12/16 18:15:37 33.031 -115.543 5.8 6 km ( 4 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.2 2010/12/16 16:45:42 33.008 -115.553 10.1 4 km ( 2 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
1.3 2010/12/16 15:27:43 33.006 -115.547 9.7 3 km ( 2 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
1.3 2010/12/16 15:26:39 33.002 -115.560 10.8 4 km ( 2 mi) NW of Brawley, CA
1.1 2010/12/16 14:28:29 33.001 -115.552 0.9 3 km ( 2 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
2.7 2010/12/16 13:11:11 32.124 -115.227 15.0 21 km ( 13 mi) SSW of Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico
2.3 2010/12/16 10:50:25 32.392 -115.578 6.3 31 km ( 19 mi) SSW of Mexicali, Mexico
1.3 2010/12/16 10:42:38 33.028 -115.541 10.8 6 km ( 4 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.2 2010/12/16 09:46:52 33.151 -115.638 5.0 2 km ( 1 mi) S of Obsidian Butte, CA
1.8 2010/12/16 09:41:38 32.596 -115.710 6.5 22 km ( 14 mi) WSW of Calexico, CA
2.1 2010/12/16 09:16:16 33.039 -115.549 7.7 7 km ( 4 mi) E of Westmorland, CA
1.8 2010/12/16 08:52:50 33.031 -115.537 8.7 6 km ( 4 mi) N of Brawley, CA
3.0 2010/12/16 08:14:46 32.616 -115.767 4.6 21 km ( 13 mi) SSW of Seeley, CA
2.5 2010/12/16 05:49:36 32.138 -115.184 10.0 18 km ( 11 mi) SSW of Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico
1.7 2010/12/16 03:40:00 33.018 -115.532 9.2 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
1.3 2010/12/16 03:38:39 32.649 -115.881 4.2 15 km ( 9 mi) SE of Ocotillo, CA
1.7 2010/12/16 02:55:10 32.568 -115.712 10.0 23 km ( 15 mi) WSW of Calexico, CA
1.8 2010/12/16 00:44:43 33.014 -115.554 9.3 4 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
1.7 2010/12/16 00:34:42 33.018 -115.540 10.7 5 km ( 3 mi) N of Brawley, CA
2.2 2010/12/16 00:03:35 32.667 -115.981 4.4 8 km ( 5 mi) S of Ocotillo, CA
1.5 2010/12/16 00:02:32 33.016 -115.557 7.1 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Brawley, CA
Ionian Sea area (37.37N 20.68E)
(Second day symptoms. May include
Sicily or Albania. Probable 3.5
and probable multiples)
2010-12-15 12:56:24.0 41.74 N 13.73 E 10 2.0 SOUTHERN ITALY
2010-12-16 22:32:54.9 39.85 N 19.92 E 5 2.3 KERKIRA REGION, GREECE
2010-12-16 04:37:01.9 43.05 N 18.72 E 18 1.9 MONTENEGRO
(27.82S 66.64W) (Probable 5
and probable multiples)
2010-12-13 18:51:04.0 33.93 S 72.97 W 19 5.3 OFFSHORE O'HIGGINS, CHILE
(3 days early but probably missed symptoms)
2010-12-15 10:52:21.0 20.81 S 68.40 W 102 5.0 POTOSI, BOLIVIA
2010-12-16 22:45:14.9 20.97 S 68.49 W 123 5.1 ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE
(22.43N 143.00E) (Probable 5)
2010-12-17 13:54:15.0 29.39 N 139.05 E 487 4.5 IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands
(Probable 4 and probable multiples)
3.6 2010/12/16 22:47:52 18.110 -68.454 119.0 63 km ( 39 mi) SSE of Hig�ey, Dominican Republic
2.9 2010/12/16 05:58:13 18.499 -64.342 5.5 12 km ( 7 mi) ENE of Spanish Town, British Virgin Islands
(42.87N 86.96E) (Probable 5
and probable multiples)
2010-12-15 06:54:53.8 40.78 N 79.18 E 1 4.2 SOUTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA
2010-12-19 18:00:44.1 43.89 N 83.23 E 1 3.9 NORTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA
(3 extra days)
Ecuador area (.0576 -78.44)
(Probable 4 and probable multiples)
2010-12-17 22:14:26.0 8.50 S 71.52 W 561 5.1 ACRE, BRAZIL?
(Off on coordinates if right quake for symptom)
4.3 2010/12/18 00:58 2010/12/18 05:58 -2.1451 -79.7284 32.64
(2 extra days)
MID-INDIAN RIDGE area (14.86S 67.22E)
(Probable 4 and probable multiples)
2010-12-15 04:23:04.0 37.46 S 78.14 E 10 5.0 MID-INDIAN RIDGE?
NORTHERN ITALY area (44.79N 7.61E)
(May include Central Italy. Probable 3
and probable multiples)
2010-12-14 05:09:58.0 45.72 N 10.76 E 9 2.1 NORTHERN ITALY
(2 days early)
2010-12-16 10:45:58.1 47.54 N 8.18 E 4 1.6 SWITZERLAND?
2010-12-18 21:36:25.0 44.60 N 7.20 E 14 2.6 NORTHERN ITALY
(2 extra days)
2010-12-19 11:02:19.0 44.80 N 7.14 E 25 2.6 NORTHERN ITALY
(3 extra days)
Greece/Aegean Sea/Turkey
(Probable 3.5 and probable multiples)
2010-12-16 22:20:01.1 36.50 N 22.53 E 29 2.6 SOUTHERN GREECE
2010-12-16 19:16:22.8 39.60 N 23.15 E 6 2.3 AEGEAN SEA
2010-12-16 17:41:48.0 37.95 N 27.44 E 2 3.4 WESTERN TURKEY
2010-12-16 16:14:24.8 36.06 N 26.90 E 10 2.6 DODECANESE ISLANDS, GREECE
2010-12-16 12:39:13.4 38.21 N 20.07 E 1 2.6 GREECE
2010-12-16 11:44:04.2 38.71 N 31.72 E 5 2.5 WESTERN TURKEY
2010-12-16 11:35:18.5 39.48 N 33.03 E 3 2.6 CENTRAL TURKEY
2010-12-16 11:01:49.4 38.75 N 20.91 E 13 2.4 GREECE
2010-12-16 05:15:34.6 37.75 N 29.30 E 7 2.8 WESTERN TURKEY
2010-12-16 05:08:56.5 40.07 N 22.31 E 5 2.2 GREECE
2010-12-16 03:02:27.1 40.10 N 22.31 E 5 2.3 GREECE
2010-12-16 02:04:14.7 37.08 N 22.88 E 28 2.0 SOUTHERN GREECE
2010-12-16 01:46:28.1 37.68 N 22.54 E 25 2.0 SOUTHERN GREECE
2010-12-16 01:43:57.7 37.05 N 32.19 E 5 3.1 CENTRAL TURKEY
2010-12-16 01:07:55.7 40.73 N 29.91 E 5 2.9 WESTERN TURKEY
2010-12-16 00:09:32.6 34.97 N 23.85 E 17 3.2 CRETE, GREECE
**Unplaced quakes using EMSC listing.
2010-12-16 14:57:34.0 51.22 N 169.35 W 2 4.9 FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS
2010-12-16 14:03:08.3 22.61 S 169.36 E 52 5.0 SOUTHEAST OF LOYALTY ISLANDS
2010-12-16 09:47:46.3 45.68 N 26.63 E 72 2.7 ROMANIA
2010-12-16 09:30:19.0 37.97 N 26.15 W 5 3.6 AZORES ISLANDS, PORTUGAL
2010-12-16 07:36:19.0 39.53 N 29.73 W 14 3.4 AZORES ISLANDS, PORTUGAL
2010-12-16 06:46:55.0 39.53 N 29.63 W 5 3.3 AZORES ISLANDS, PORTUGAL
2010-12-16 04:39:18.0 39.53 N 29.62 W 14 3.0 AZORES ISLANDS, PORTUGAL
Peace to all.

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