LEGEND for OVERVIEW: Size = My surety of area for quake.
Red Circle = Probable quake to STRONG quake.
Triangle = Very Strong/Stronger quake (Usually takes extra days).
Blue Circle, etc. = Uncertainty of symptom area for probable quake.
Gold Circle = Volcanic symptom.
(If I find a matching symptom in my database I will give a
probable magnitude.)
Places to watch.
Good luck to all.
For Wednesday, 27 October 2010.
Possible 6 or stronger in South of Aleutian Islands
or Tonga/Fiji area - Chunk symptoms but difficult t
o locate coordinates or timing - may not occur
until 13 November, if at all.
(Nothing found)
ALASKA PENINSULA (54.383 -162.576)
(2 different symptoms. Probable 4
and probable multiples)
4.4 2010/10/27 22:44:52 60.983 -150.986 67.3 KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA
Cedar City area (37.60N 113.04W)
(Probable 2.5 and probable multiples)
1.6 2010/10/26 17:13:29 39.002N 111.374W 5.8 14 km ( 9 mi) NW of Emery, UT
1.7 2010/10/26 07:14:24 37.646 -113.363 1.1 19 km ( 12 mi) NNW of New Harmony, UT
1.4 2010/10/27 22:30:25 39.464N 111.223W 9.1 22 km (14 mi) ESE of Mount Pleasant, UT
1.3 2010/10/27 21:52:37 38.402N 112.326W 2.4 10 km ( 6 mi) WSW of Marysvale, UT
1.3 2010/10/27 05:08:22 38.986N 111.374W 1.1 13 km ( 8 mi) NW of Emery, UT
1.5 2010/10/28 16:55:19 39.012N 111.373W 9.1 15 km ( 9 mi) NW of Emery, UT
(35.97N 77.78E) (Different symptom but
second day for general area. Probable 5
and probable multiples)
2010-10-28 15:55:15.8 36.53 N 71.01 E 142 4.4 HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN
2010-10-28 13:21:52.4 39.59 N 73.56 E 1 4.3 KYRGYZSTAN
2010-10-28 03:59:42.4 36.62 N 71.13 E 187 5.2 HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN
Obsidian Butte, CA area (33.153 -115.671)
(Probable 4 and probable multiples)
1.4 2010/10/27 21:47:40 32.674 -115.939 5.5 9 km ( 6 mi) SE of Ocotillo, CA
1.2 2010/10/27 16:30:21 33.382 -116.399 12.4 15 km ( 9 mi) N of Borrego Springs, CA
2.2 2010/10/27 16:28:30 33.379 -116.420 11.8 15 km ( 10 mi) NNW of Borrego Springs, CA
1.0 2010/10/27 16:15:27 33.874 -116.769 16.1 4 km ( 2 mi) S of Cabazon, CA
2.3 2010/10/27 11:57:43 32.255 -115.350 14.5 23 km ( 14 mi) W of Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico
2.4 2010/10/27 10:44:26 32.151 -115.281 5.7 22 km ( 14 mi) SW of Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico
1.3 2010/10/27 10:24:51 32.828 -115.954 6.4 11 km ( 7 mi) NNE of Ocotillo, CA
1.5 2010/10/27 09:09:34 33.003 -116.344 9.6 24 km ( 15 mi) ESE of Julian, CA
1.9 2010/10/27 09:06:27 33.004 -116.343 9.7 24 km ( 15 mi) ESE of Julian, CA
1.1 2010/10/27 07:56:55 33.168 -115.634 0.0 0 km ( 0 mi) SE of Obsidian Butte, CA
1.7 2010/10/27 06:34:35 32.493 -115.664 3.2 25 km ( 16 mi) SW of Mexicali, Mexico
1.5 2010/10/27 06:00:13 32.648 -115.740 3.4 17 km ( 10 mi) SSW of Seeley, CA
2.6 2010/10/27 00:25:07 32.126 -115.173 10.0 19 km ( 12 mi) SSW of Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico
2.1 2010/10/27 00:20:37 33.839 -116.773 10.0 8 km ( 5 mi) S of Cabazon, CA
1.3 2010/10/26 23:42:14 33.387 -116.847 9.6 4 km ( 2 mi) NNE of Palomar Observatory, CA
1.4 2010/10/26 21:58:34 33.340 -116.239 7.5 16 km ( 10 mi) NE of Borrego Springs, CA
2.2 2010/10/26 19:50:55 32.266 -115.351 5.6 23 km ( 14 mi) W of Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico
2.3 2010/10/26 19:04:13 32.234 -115.304 10.0 19 km ( 12 mi) WSW of Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico
2.0 2010/10/26 13:31:10 33.337 -116.389 8.1 10 km ( 6 mi) N of Borrego Springs, CA
2.0 2010/10/26 12:51:11 32.656 -115.966 4.4 10 km ( 6 mi) SSE of Ocotillo, CA
1.6 2010/10/26 08:02:44 32.654 -115.964 5.2 10 km ( 6 mi) SSE of Ocotillo, CA
1.3 2010/10/26 04:49:02 32.919 -116.284 5.4 25 km ( 15 mi) ENE of Pine Valley, CA
3.0 2010/10/26 03:04:37 32.184 -115.333 2.1 24 km ( 15 mi) WSW of Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico
1.9 2010/10/26 03:01:24 32.187 -115.248 10.0 17 km ( 11 mi) SW of Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico
1.4 2010/10/26 02:59:58 32.710 -115.945 5.0 6 km ( 4 mi) SE of Ocotillo, CA
1.4 2010/10/26 00:29:03 32.866 -116.001 8.1 14 km ( 9 mi) N of Ocotillo, CA
1.1 2010/10/26 00:25:55 33.377 -116.847 10.2 3 km ( 2 mi) NNE of Palomar Observatory, CA
KURIL ISLANDS area (50.94N 157.65E)
(56.33N 164.13E) (Probable 5
and probable multiples)
2010-10-25 02:05:19.0 49.72 N 158.81 E 33 4.8 EAST OF KURIL ISLANDS
(2 days early)
Costa Rica area (8.59N 83.29W)
to possibly Ecuador area (Symptom started
north and moved south. Probable 4
and probable multiples)
10/10/27 23:01:44 12.59N 88.12W 96.4 3.6MC Frente al Golfo de Fonseca
10/10/27 14:07:26 11.22N 86.12W 179.1 3.0ML Frente a San Juan del Sur
10/10/28 10:02:49 12.60N 86.82W 1.0 1.4ML Cerca del volcan Telica
(35.41N 140.88E) (Very Strong. Multiple 5.5
magnitude or stronger. May be more than one area.)

10/27 22:43 和歌山県南部 (北緯33度5分 , 東経135度5分) 震度1 M2.9 深さ20km (**)
10/27 16:41 伊豆大島近海 (北緯34度42分 , 東経139度25分) 震度2 M2.2 深さ0km (**)
10/27 03:39 奄美大島北東沖 (北緯29度21分 , 東経129度59分) 震度1 M3.4 深さ53km (**)
2010-10-29 16:30:25.9 23.51 N 142.90 E 40 5.3 VOLCANO ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
(2 extra days and may be more coming - be prepared until 6 November.)
(20.98N 145.21E) (Probable 5 and probable multiples)
2010-10-28 18:40:52.2 18.97 N 145.73 E 200 4.9 PAGAN REG., N. MARIANA ISLANDS
NEW MEXICO area (36.86N 104.72W)
(This may be into Arizona. Probable 4
and probable multiples)
3.3 2010/10/26 04:12:47 43.625 -110.483 3.8 28 km ( 17 mi) E of Teton Village, WY?
3.9 2010/10/26 01:24:16 43.645 -110.555 4.6 23 km ( 14 mi) ENE of Teton Village, WY?
4.6 2010/10/27 12:49:40 23.249 -108.411 10.3 132 km ( 82 mi) E of San Jose del Cabo, Mexico?
5.3 2010/10/28 02:22:26 23.138 -108.496 9.9 122 km ( 76 mi) E of San Jose del Cabo, Mexico?
(3.80N 126.94E) (Becoming daily symptoms.
Probable 4.5 and probable multiples)
2010-10-27 21:34:58.3 2.94 S 99.69 E 20 4.8 KEP. MENTAWAI REGION, INDONESIA
2010-10-27 11:15:26.1 3.50 S 99.55 E 2 4.7 SOUTHWEST OF SUMATRA, INDONESIA
2010-10-27 05:16:57.1 2.78 S 99.57 E 14 4.6 KEP. MENTAWAI REGION, INDONESIA
2010-10-27 04:33:24.2 3.50 S 99.90 E 30 5.3 SOUTHWEST OF SUMATRA, INDONESIA
2010-10-27 02:16:38.4 5.22 S 134.00 E 20 4.7 KEPULAUAN ARU REGION, INDONESIA
Marston, MO area (36.480 -89.550)
(Second day symptoms but not so much.
May be Guy, Arkansas. Probable 4
and probable multiples)
2.3 2010/10/27 07:23:29 35.288N 92.335W 3.2 4 km ( 3 mi) S of Guy, AR
2.6 2010/10/27 02:49:18 35.302N 92.324W 4.7 3 km ( 2 mi) SSE of Guy, AR
West End, Tortola, British Virgin Islands
(18.595N -64.000W) (Probable 4
and probable multiples)
then Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands (Non-specific.
Probable 3.5 and probable multiples)
2.7 2010/10/27 06:57:48 18.760 -67.460 8.0 49 km ( 30 mi) NW of Aguadilla, PR
2.6 2010/10/27 06:57:17 17.523 -67.680 32.0 72 km ( 45 mi) SW of Pole Ojea, PR
2.6 2010/10/28 07:58:53 18.415 -67.487 12.9 26 km ( 16 mi) WNW of Rinc�n, PR
3.2 2010/10/28 03:45:24 18.558 -65.283 97.0 28 km ( 17 mi) N of Culebra, PR
2.2 2010/10/28 01:59:58 17.898 -66.651 14.0 13 km ( 8 mi) SSE of Tallaboa, PR
3.5 2010/10/28 01:41:30 18.390 -68.640 140.8 27 km ( 17 mi) SSE of Hig�ey, Dominican Republic
3.4 2010/10/28 01:40:26 18.600 -68.689 128.0 3 km ( 2 mi) SE of Hig�ey, Dominican Republic
TANZANIA area (2.76S 36.14E)
(Probable 4 and probable multiples)
(Nothing found)
Kermadec Islands (31.26S 179.44W)
(Probable 4 and probable multiples)
(Nothing found)
FRANCE area (49.31N 0.23W) (Probable 4.5
and probable multiples)
2010-10-25 12:49:30.9 49.44 N 0.23 W 2 3.1 FRANCE
(2 days early)
Guatemala area (14.10N 90.76W)
(Probable 4 and probable multiples)
10/10/27 23:01:44 12.59N 88.12W 96.4 3.6MC Frente al Golfo de Fonseca
10/10/27 14:07:26 11.30N 86.04W 182.8 3.0ML Frente a San Juan del Sur
Cyprus Region (35.42N 32.44)
(Probable 4 and probable multiples)
2010-10-26 22:08:28.3 35.95 N 31.04 E 34 3.3 CYPRUS REGION
2010-10-26 18:55:46.8 35.59 N 32.06 E 24 3.1 CYPRUS REGION
2010-10-28 00:31:22.4 35.79 N 31.77 E 20 3.3 CYPRUS REGION
CENTRAL MONGOLIA area (45.36N 98.31E)
(Probable 4 and probable multiples)
2010-10-28 07:41:02.3 28.44 N 92.86 E 81 4.7 EASTERN XIZANG-INDIA BORDER REG.?
SOUTHERN ITALY area (41.86N 15.79E)
(Second day symptoms. Probable 3.5
and probable multiples)
2010-10-28 13:29:43.0 38.72 N 14.89 E 10 2.4 SICILY, ITALY
2010-10-28 06:25:07.0 38.73 N 15.58 E 5 2.3 SICILY, ITALY
2010-10-29 16:56:54.0 42.53 N 13.16 E 10 2.3 CENTRAL ITALY
2010-10-29 13:13:57.0 42.73 N 12.52 E 6 2.0 CENTRAL ITALY
2010-10-29 13:08:25.0 42.53 N 13.16 E 10 2.0 CENTRAL ITALY
2010-10-29 11:35:14.0 41.31 N 14.55 E 9 2.2 SOUTHERN ITALY
2010-10-29 07:26:22.0 37.65 N 15.07 E 2 2.3 SICILY, ITALY
2010-10-29 05:46:57.0 38.54 N 13.67 E 5 2.6 SICILY, ITALY
(2 extra days)
Petrolia, CA area (40.459 -124.415)
(Probable 4 and probable multiples)
1.2 2010/10/26 21:51:56 40.321 -121.184 1.7 5 km ( 3 mi) ENE of Chester, CA
1.8 2010/10/26 18:42:23 39.909 -124.109 20.4 14 km ( 9 mi) SSW of Shelter Cove, CA
1.4 2010/10/26 13:37:35 39.188 -123.057 5.7 11 km ( 7 mi) NE of Talmage, CA
1.8 2010/10/27 22:01:26 40.709 -122.450 25.6 8 km ( 5 mi) WNW of Shasta Lake, CA
1.3 2010/10/27 21:10:56 40.297 -121.171 8.2 5 km ( 3 mi) E of Chester, CA
1.2 2010/10/27 20:53:02 40.297 -121.203 7.0 3 km ( 2 mi) ESE of Chester, CA
1.2 2010/10/27 20:50:59 40.301 -121.192 7.4 4 km ( 2 mi) E of Chester, CA
2.1 2010/10/27 20:04:41 40.239 -124.163 11.3 14 km ( 9 mi) SE of Petrolia, CA
1.2 2010/10/27 17:54:04 40.301 -121.195 5.1 3 km ( 2 mi) E of Chester, CA
1.4 2010/10/27 17:11:26 40.870 -121.191 13.5 26 km ( 16 mi) SE of Fall River Mills, CA
1.8 2010/10/27 11:08:23 39.341 -122.812 10.5 15 km ( 9 mi) ESE of Lake Pillsbury, CA
1.4 2010/10/27 09:58:11 39.208 -120.077 11.7 5 km ( 3 mi) SSW of Tahoe Vista, CA
1.6 2010/10/27 08:15:32 39.340 -122.836 7.7 13 km ( 8 mi) SE of Lake Pillsbury, CA
1.4 2010/10/28 07:20:40 39.361 -120.024 8.1 13 km ( 8 mi) N of Tahoe Vista, CA
1.7 2010/10/28 05:13:28 39.047 -123.130 8.6 10 km ( 6 mi) SSE of Talmage, CA
2.1 2010/10/28 03:18:27 40.293 -124.549 21.1 23 km ( 14 mi) W of Petrolia, CA
**Unplaced quakes using EMSC listing.
2010-10-27 22:44:51.7 61.14 N 151.35 W 80 4.8 SOUTHERN ALASKA
2010-10-27 14:36:51.5 10.43 S 162.91 E 40 4.8 SOLOMON ISLANDS
2010-10-27 14:18:02.7 29.55 S 143.66 E 2 4.5 NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA
Peace to all.

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