LEGEND for OVERVIEW: Size = My surety of area for quake.
Red Circle = Probable quake to STRONG quake.
Triangle = Very Strong/Stronger quake (Usually takes extra days).
Blue Circle, etc. = Uncertainty of symptom area for probable quake.
Gold Circle = Volcanic symptom.
(If I find a matching symptom in my database I will give a
probable magnitude.)
Places to watch.
Good luck to all.
For Friday, 27 August 2010.
Sombrero Fault Zone (18.997N 65.061W)
to Settlement, Anegada, British Virgin Islands
(19.040N -64.402W) (3 different symptoms.
Probable 4.5 and probable multiples)
3.1 2010/08/26 22:37:18 17.921 -65.583 10.0 23 km ( 14 mi) SSW of Esperanza, PR
2.8 2010/08/26 21:19:48 18.443 -65.107 124.3 21 km ( 13 mi) WNW of CHARLOTTE AMALIE, US Virgin Islands
2.9 2010/08/26 17:09:06 18.299 -68.452 153.0 45 km ( 28 mi) SE of Hig�ey, Dominican Republic
2.9 2010/08/26 10:47:06 17.966 -68.384 62.4 80 km ( 50 mi) SSE of Hig�ey, Dominican Republic
2.8 2010/08/26 08:29:10 19.262 -68.313 102.6 83 km ( 51 mi) NNE of Hig�ey, Dominican Republic
2.2 2010/08/26 04:18:45 19.021 -67.400 28.1 70 km ( 43 mi) NNW of Rafael Hern�ndez, PR
2.2 2010/08/26 03:07:22 19.003 -67.421 36.1 69 km ( 43 mi) NNW of Cab�n, PR
3.8 2010/08/26 00:47:49 18.037 -63.634 154.9 60 km ( 37 mi) WSW of Sandy Ground, Anguilla
2.9 2010/08/27 09:37:27 18.450 -67.436 15.1 23 km ( 14 mi) WNW of Rinc�n, PR
(39.92N 44.50E) (Indication of depth.
Probable 4 and probable multiples)
2010-08-27 20:11:08.1 35.46 N 54.45 E 1 3.5 NORTHERN IRAN
2010-08-27 19:23:48.2 35.46 N 54.53 E 10 5.7 NORTHERN IRAN
2010-08-27 19:13:00.3 39.35 N 54.64 E 2 4.7 TURKMENISTAN
2010-08-27 03:17:22.6 34.04 N 59.49 E 9 3.6 NORTHEASTERN IRAN
(Not so deep.)
2010-08-28 16:04:36.0 42.22 N 34.91 E 7 3.0 BLACK SEA
2010-08-28 14:14:53.0 36.96 N 44.01 E 15 3.5 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
2010-08-28 14:10:11.0 37.09 N 44.02 E 3 3.4 TURKEY-IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
2010-08-28 14:06:37.0 40.14 N 41.30 E 7 3.0 EASTERN TURKEY
2010-08-28 04:49:02.3 40.13 N 41.27 E 10 3.0 EASTERN TURKEY
2010-08-28 02:10:37.4 38.53 N 44.57 E 2 3.1 TURKEY-IRAN BORDER REGION
2010-08-28 00:29:05.1 35.56 N 54.68 E 2 4.8 NORTHERN IRAN
2010-08-28 00:46:57.3 39.50 N 54.46 E 20 4.9 TURKMENISTAN
(Indication of depth. Probable 4.5
and probable multiples)
2010-08-26 08:02:42.7 17.36 S 174.29 W 125 4.8 TONGA
2010-08-27 08:03:59.4 5.70 S 152.30 E 46 4.8 NEW BRITAIN REGION, P.N.G.?
2010-08-27 06:42:22.6 6.24 S 146.39 E 114 5.0 EASTERN NEW GUINEA REG., P.N.G.?
TARAPACA, CHILE area (19.23S 69.13W)
(Probable 4.5 and probable multiples)
2010-08-25 12:02:37.1 22.73 S 68.94 W 68 4.8 ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE
2010-08-25 11:36:34.5 27.17 S 70.88 W 2 4.6 ATACAMA, CHILE
2010-08-25 02:35:01.2 21.10 S 68.48 W 100 4.9 ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE
(2 days early)
2010-08-27 15:52:11.1 20.72 S 68.89 W 108 4.3 TARAPACA, CHILE
Mexico (Non-specific. Probable 4
and probable multiples)
2010-08-27 20:42:00 17.03 -100.14 4 3.7 6 km al NOROESTE de COYUCA DE BENITEZ, GRO
2010-08-27 20:34:51 14.48 -92.68 10 3.3 61 km al SUROESTE de CD HIDALGO, CHIS
2010-08-27 19:06:05 14.46 -92.9 16 3.6 85 km al SUROESTE de CD HIDALGO, CHIS
2010-08-27 14:22:39 15.22 -93.84 16 3.4 85 km al SUROESTE de PIJIJIAPAN, CHIS
2010-08-27 13:39:49 14.09 -92.67 10 3.9 86 km al SUROESTE de CD HIDALGO, CHIS
2010-08-27 09:54:45 17.92 -100.03 58 3.6 51 km al SURESTE de ARCELIA, GRO
2010-08-27 04:12:14 16.22 -97.94 8 4.0 18 km al SURESTE de PINOTEPA NACIONAL, OAX
New Madrid Fault (Non-specific. Probable 2.5
and probable multiples)
2.2 2010/08/27 08:01:17 35.272 -92.191 1.8 8 km ( 5 mi) NW of Mount Vernon, AR
Ascension Island area (3.85S 12.44W)
(Probable 4.5 and probable multiples)
(Nothing found)
(Probable 3 and probable multiples)
2010-08-25 08:29:03.3 36.39 N 6.13 W 10 3.3 STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR
2010-08-25 08:14:47.0 36.39 N 7.40 E 1 2.9 NORTHERN ALGERIA
2010-08-25 01:48:22.8 36.86 N 8.14 W 30 2.5 WEST OF GIBRALTAR
2010-08-25 01:48:22.0 36.72 N 8.23 W 26 2.4 WEST OF GIBRALTAR
(2 days early)
2010-08-26 17:43:34.0 36.63 N 9.72 W 14 2.0 WEST OF GIBRALTAR
**Unplaced quakes using EMSC listing.
2010-08-27 22:03:51.7 51.20 N 15.96 E 10 2.5 POLAND
2010-08-27 17:59:09.8 49.73 N 18.50 E 2 2.1 CZECH REPUBLIC
2010-08-27 12:20:05.0 49.90 N 8.00 E 10 2.3 GERMANY
2010-08-27 09:10:09.4 55.51 S 27.94 W 8 5.2 SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION
2010-08-27 00:17:08.8 55.98 S 27.58 W 150 5.3 SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION
Peace to all.

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