LEGEND for OVERVIEW: Size = My surety of area for quake.
Red Circle = Probable quake to STRONG quake.
Triangle = Very Strong/Stronger quake (Usually takes extra days).
Blue Circle, etc. = Uncertainty of symptom area for probable quake.
Gold Circle = Volcanic symptom.
(If I find a matching symptom in my database I will give a
probable magnitude.)
Places to watch.
Good luck to all.
For Thursday, 29 July 2010.
COMOROS REGION (10.51S 41.59E)
(Probable 4.5 and probable multiples)
(Nothing found)
POLAND area (51.39N 16.28E)
(Probable 3 and probable multiples)
EL SALVADOR (13.55N 88.39W)
(Probable 4 and probable multiples)
Switzerland area (46.19N 7.02E)
(May include parts of Italy and France.
Probable 4 and probable multiples)
(-5.105 151.633) (2 different symptoms.
Probable 5 and probable multiples)
MOLUCCA SEA (1.11N 126.15E)
(Probable 4.5 and probable multiples)
Kilauea Summit (19.392N 155.269W)
(Second day symptom and much stronger.
Probable 5 and probable multiples)
Central Alaska (63.583 -149.566)
(Second day symptom for area. Probable 4.5)
then ALASKA PENINSULA area (58.750 -155.239)
(Probable 3 and probable multiples)
(33.06N 141.33E) (Second day and different
symptom for area. Probable 5.5 or stronger
and probable multiples)
Mexico (Non-specific. Probable 4 and probable
multiples) then OMETEPEC, GRO area (15.99 -98.95)
(2 different symptoms and may be more northern.
Probable 4 and probable multiples)
(35.91N 70.46E)
and TAJIKISTAN area (37.51N 72.02E)
(Different symptom but becoming daily symptoms
for general area. Probable 5.5 and probable multiples)
(Probable 5 and probable multiples)
Carbon City, Utah area (39.69N 110.48W)
(Second day and different symptom for area.
Probable 3.5 and probable multiples)
COSTA RICA area (8.60N 83.24W)
then Guatemala area (14.03N 90.26W)
(Probable 4.5 and probable multiples)
SIKKIM, INDIA area (27.37N 88.19E)
(Probable 4.5 and probable multiples)
Possible 6 or stronger in Russia and
various other areas- Chunk symptoms but
difficult to locate coordinates or timing -
may not occur until 16 August, if at all.
SEVERNAYA ZEMLYA area (84.67N 98.58E)
(May be more southern. Probable 4
and probable multiples)
(Probable 4 and probable multiples)
The New Madrid Fault/Marston, MO area
(36.510 -89.570) (Becoming daily symptoms.
Probable 3 and probable multiples)
Los Angeles/Colton, CA area (34.059 -117.301)
(Probable 2.5 and probable multiples)
Ecuador area (1.23 S 77.65W)
(Probable 4.5 and probable multiples)
JAVA, INDONESIA (6.77S 106.63E)
(Probable 5 and probable multiples)
Greece/Aegean Sea/Turkey (Non-specific.
Probable 4 and probable multiples)
Sandspit, BC (52.87N 132.44W)
(Probable 4 and probable multiples)
San Felipe, Mexico area (29.986 -113.972)
(Probable 3 and probable multiples)
Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands (Non-specific.
Probable 4 and probable multiples)
Peace to all.

2010-07-29 15:31:42.5 51.52N 16.20E 2 ML 2.7 POLAND
2010-07-29 01:19:18.0 43.00N 20.70E 2 ML 2.5 SERBIA?
(Probable 4 and probable multiples)
10/07/28 14:19:51 11.21N 86.68W 24.3 3.5MC Frente a La Boquita y Casares
10/07/28 02:43:17 12.68N 88.64W 31.3 3.6ML Frente a El Salvador
10/07/29 21:12:56 12.14N 87.51W 23.4 3.2MC Frente a Corinto
10/07/29 12:58:41 14.51N 91.60W 15.0 3.3ML Guatemala
10/07/29 04:44:02 13.76N 87.15W 23.3 3.7MC Honduras
10/07/29 04:33:21 11.58N 86.53W 57.7 3.4MC Frente a Masachapa
10/07/29 02:18:58 11.56N 86.06W 8.4 3.1MC Rivas
10/07/29 01:49:54 14.34N 86.03W 30.5 3.9MC Honduras
(May include parts of Italy and France.
Probable 4 and probable multiples)
2010-07-29 08:48:36.1 45.00N 6.58E 10 ML2.7 FRANCE
2010-07-29 05:15:20.7 47.51N 7.49E 12 ML1.3 FRANCE-GERMANY BORDER REGION
2010-07-29 03:42:15.9 47.49N 8.26E 21 ML1.5 SWITZERLAND
(-5.105 151.633) (2 different symptoms.
Probable 5 and probable multiples)
2010-07-26 17:08:53.3 3.85 S 141.36 E 60 mb5.5 NEW GUINEA, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
2010-07-28 18:21:16.1 12.17 S 165.53 E 80 mb5.3 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS?
(Probable 4.5 and probable multiples)
2010-07-28 18:51:23.9 7.75 S 124.24 E 395 M 4.6 BANDA SEA?
2010-07-28 08:07:07.7 7.00 N 126.75 E 174 mb4.8 MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
2010-07-29 16:52:00.9 10.28 S 124.84 E 15 M 4.6 TIMOR REGION, INDONESIA?
2010-07-29 11:30:15.3 6.65 N 123.40 E 625 mb4.7 MORO GULF, MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
2010-07-29 08:55:27.9 6.58 N 123.40 E 632 mb5.1 MORO GULF, MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
2010-07-29 07:31:57.1 6.56 N 123.40 E 618 mb6.3 MORO GULF, MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
(Second day symptom and much stronger.
Probable 5 and probable multiples)
1.8 2010/07/29 13:28:22 19.453 -155.844 0.1 5 km ( 3 mi) E of Honaunau-Napoopoo, HI
2.2 2010/07/29 11:42:57 20.122 -155.418 30.1 7 km ( 4 mi) NE of Honokaa, HI
1.9 2010/07/29 06:37:13 19.289 -155.210 8.5 18 km ( 11 mi) S of Volcano, HI
2.3 2010/07/29 06:28:18 19.184 -155.467 7.9 3 km ( 2 mi) SSE of Pahala, HI
2.1 2010/07/29 04:14:19 19.288 -155.216 6.8 18 km ( 11 mi) S of Volcano, HI
1.8 2010/07/29 00:34:17 19.227 -155.448 33.9 4 km ( 3 mi) NE of Pahala, HI
(Second day symptom for area. Probable 4.5)
then ALASKA PENINSULA area (58.750 -155.239)
(Probable 3 and probable multiples)
2.6 2010/07/29 20:15:54 57.690 -153.118 51.2 KODIAK ISLAND REGION, ALASKA
2.7 2010/07/29 12:02:25 62.743 -148.944 7.8 CENTRAL ALASKA
2.9 2010/07/29 02:07:29 61.843 -149.912 15.8 SOUTHERN ALASKA
(33.06N 141.33E) (Second day and different
symptom for area. Probable 5.5 or stronger
and probable multiples)
07/28 08:06 十勝沖 (北緯42度2分 , 東経143度47分)震度3 M4.5 深さ56km (**)
07/28 07:58 十勝沖 (北緯42度2分 , 東経143度47分)震度1 M3.4 深さ54km (**)
07/28 04:39 伊豆大島近海(北緯34度48分 , 東経139度14分) 震度1 M2.4 深さ8km (**)
07/28 00:23 千葉県北西部(北緯35度39分 , 東経140度04分) 震度1 M3.2 深さ74km (**)
multiples) then OMETEPEC, GRO area (15.99 -98.95)
(2 different symptoms and may be more northern.
Probable 4 and probable multiples)
2010-07-28 23:45:51 15.91 -94.5 16 4.3 71 km al SURESTE de UNION HIDALGO, OAX
2010-07-28 23:10:06 17.9 -99.45 5 4.2 29 km al NORESTE de ZUMPANGO DEL RIO, GRO
2010-07-28 18:20:37 32.22 -115.1 18 3.4 7 km al SUR de GPE VICTORIA(KM.43), BC
2010-07-28 18:17:35 15.39 -95.44 16 4.1 85 km al SURESTE de CRUCECITA, OAX
2010-07-28 17:20:02 15.72 -95.99 5 4.1 16 km al SURESTE de CRUCECITA, OAX
2010-07-28 10:33:32 15.06 -91.44 241 4.0 79 km al ESTE de CACAHOATAN, CHIS
2010-07-28 02:38:23 16.04 -92.58 231 4.4 34 km al SUR de VENUSTIANO CARRANZA, CHIS
2010-07-28 02:22:01 32.22 -115.35 17 4.1 25 km al SUROESTE de GPE VICTORIA(KM.43), BC
2010-07-28 02:19:10 14.61 -94.35 16 4.1 171 km al SUROESTE de PIJIJIAPAN, CHIS
2010-07-29 19:26:14 15.98 -97.69 15 4.0 27 km al OESTE de RIO GRANDE, OAX
2010-07-29 18:39:43 16.93 -98.48 29 3.7 28 km al NOROESTE de OMETEPEC, GRO
2010-07-29 16:25:55 16.4 -98.82 16 3.1 54 km al SUROESTE de OMETEPEC, GRO
2010-07-29 13:02:35 32.39 -115.4 5 4.0 31 km al NOROESTE de GPE VICTORIA(KM.43), BC
2010-07-29 08:48:57 16.28 -98.51 2 3.6 46 km al SUR de OMETEPEC, GRO
2010-07-29 05:19:28 32.33 -115.03 15 4.3 9 km al NORESTE de GPE VICTORIA(KM.43), BC
2010-07-29 02:19:35 15.71 -94.47 17 4.1 84 km al SUROESTE de ARRIAGA , CHIS
(35.91N 70.46E)
and TAJIKISTAN area (37.51N 72.02E)
(Different symptom but becoming daily symptoms
for general area. Probable 5.5 and probable multiples)
(Probable 5 and probable multiples)
2010-07-30 04:03:44.1 50.35N 78.44E 1 mb5.6 EASTERN KAZAKHSTAN
(Second day and different symptom for area.
Probable 3.5 and probable multiples)
0.2 2010/07/29 20:21:58 44.620N 110.362W 2.4 54 km (34 mi) SSE of Gardiner, MT
1.3 2010/07/29 19:18:29 37.079N 113.552W 10.2 3 km ( 2 mi) SE of St. George, UT
0.5 2010/07/29 17:20:43 40.689N 111.404W 1.7 9 km ( 5 mi) ENE of Park City, UT
1.3 2010/07/29 14:23:58 39.003N 111.377W 3.1 14 km ( 9 mi) NW of Emery, UT
1.3 2010/07/29 14:19:05 39.681N 111.213W 1.6 7 km ( 4 mi) SW of Scofield, UT
1.1 2010/07/29 14:19:02 38.613N 112.208W 3.2 2 km ( 1 mi) SSE of Joseph, UT
2.6 2010/07/29 13:34:09 38.997N 111.385W 4.0 14 km ( 9 mi) NW of Emery, UT
1.2 2010/07/29 11:07:24 39.002N 111.376W 7.4 14 km ( 9 mi) NW of Emery, UT
0.2 2010/07/29 05:43:25 41.456N 112.134W 7.7 8 km ( 5 mi) W of Perry, UT
1.1 2010/07/29 05:43:09 44.891N 112.728W 7.0 30 km (19 mi) NNW of Lima, MT
1.2 2010/07/29 02:49:52 39.003N 111.383W 9.0 15 km ( 9 mi) NW of Emery, UT
1.6 2010/07/29 00:30:48 39.412N 111.212W 1.0 23 km (14 mi) WNW of Huntington, UT
1.6 2010/07/30 20:01:31 38.997N 111.380W 1.8 14 km ( 9 mi) NW of Emery, UT
0.7 2010/07/30 17:14:22 44.276N 111.019W 10.1 30 km (19 mi) NE of Warm River, ID
1.7 2010/07/30 15:58:55 38.997N 111.382W 5.5 14 km ( 9 mi) NW of Emery, UT
1.0 2010/07/30 09:36:07 39.795N 111.661W 2.8 17 km (10 mi) E of Mona, UT
then Guatemala area (14.03N 90.26W)
(Probable 4.5 and probable multiples)
10/07/28 14:19:51 11.21N 86.68W 24.3 3.5MC Frente a La Boquita y Casares
10/07/28 02:43:17 12.68N 88.64W 31.3 3.6ML Frente a El Salvador
10/07/29 21:12:56 12.14N 87.51W 23.4 3.2MC Frente a Corinto
10/07/29 12:58:41 14.51N 91.60W 15.0 3.3ML Guatemala
10/07/29 04:44:02 13.76N 87.15W 23.3 3.7MC Honduras
10/07/29 04:33:21 11.58N 86.53W 57.7 3.4MC Frente a Masachapa
10/07/29 02:18:58 11.56N 86.06W 8.4 3.1MC Rivas
10/07/29 01:49:54 14.34N 86.03W 30.5 3.9MC Honduras
(Probable 4.5 and probable multiples)
2010-07-29 12:10:02.5 30.38N 94.85E 10 4.8 EASTERN XIZANG
various other areas- Chunk symptoms but
difficult to locate coordinates or timing -
may not occur until 16 August, if at all.
2010-07-29 07:31:57.1 6.56N 123.40E 618 mb6.3 MORO GULF, MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
(May be more southern. Probable 4
and probable multiples)
2010-07-29 04:32:25.8 60.99N 3.96E 6 ML 2.1 NORTH SEA?
(Probable 4 and probable multiples)
2010-07-29 12:10:02.5 30.38N 94.85E 10 mb4.8 EASTERN XIZANG
2010-07-30 18:03:35.2 30.40N 94.89E 10 mb4.7 EASTERN XIZANG
2010-07-30 01:04:30.5 30.44N 94.91E 10 mb4.6 EASTERN XIZANG
(36.510 -89.570) (Becoming daily symptoms.
Probable 3 and probable multiples)
(Nothing found)
(Probable 2.5 and probable multiples)
2.6 2010/07/29 23:24:14 34.034 -116.956 8.9 9 km ( 5 mi) E of Yucaipa, CA
1.2 2010/07/29 23:14:17 35.048 -116.966 5.6 20 km ( 13 mi) NNE of Barstow, CA
1.8 2010/07/29 20:22:53 33.644 -116.319 11.0 4 km ( 3 mi) SSW of La Quinta, CA
1.3 2010/07/29 17:46:44 34.005 -116.716 17.4 12 km ( 7 mi) NNE of Cabazon, CA
1.2 2010/07/29 13:03:44 33.497 -116.389 13.6 22 km ( 13 mi) SSW of La Quinta, CA
1.0 2010/07/29 05:14:17 33.429 -116.441 14.9 21 km ( 13 mi) NNW of Borrego Springs, CA
1.0 2010/07/29 00:10:56 33.495 -116.490 15.9 18 km ( 11 mi) ESE of Anza, CA
(Probable 4.5 and probable multiples)
2010-07-28 12:22:25.7 4.77N 82.55W 11 mb4.5 SOUTH OF PANAMA
(Probable 5 and probable multiples)
2010-07-26 04:55:00.0 10.47 S 112.08 E 30 mb4.9 SOUTH OF JAVA, INDONESIA
2010-07-27 16:54:13.5 7.38 S 126.45 E 377 mb4.8 KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, INDONESIA?
2010-07-28 10:09:25.4 3.06 S 100.78 E 35 mb4.9 KEP. MENTAWAI REGION, INDONESIA
Probable 4 and probable multiples)
2010-07-28 23:21:38.9 36.46 N 21.10 E 5 ML 2.2 SOUTHERN GREECE
2010-07-28 22:35:03.5 37.09 N 27.62 E 2 MD3.0 WESTERN TURKEY
2010-07-28 21:46:57.0 38.99 N 38.07 E 7 MD3.0 EASTERN TURKEY
2010-07-28 17:26:29.9 39.34 N 41.98 E 8 MD2.9 EASTERN TURKEY
2010-07-28 15:14:17.4 37.84 N 27.41 E 2 ML 3.3 WESTERN TURKEY
2010-07-28 14:27:46.8 40.55 N 29.53 E 5 MD2.8 WESTERN TURKEY
2010-07-28 14:26:54.9 40.37 N 25.97 E 642 ML 2.0 AEGEAN SEA
2010-07-28 13:55:28.7 37.52 N 23.27 E 2 ML 3.5 SOUTHERN GREECE
2010-07-28 13:18:50.4 37.03 N 25.38 E 10 ML 2.8 DODECANESE ISLANDS, GREECE
2010-07-28 12:51:19.1 35.35 N 23.35 E 24 ML 2.1 CRETE, GREECE
2010-07-28 12:31:46.0 37.70 N 22.99 E 2 ML 2.5 SOUTHERN GREECE
2010-07-28 11:58:10.9 35.53 N 26.31 E 2 ML 2.8 CRETE, GREECE
2010-07-28 11:15:19.6 37.65 N 22.62 E 10 ML 2.1 SOUTHERN GREECE
2010-07-28 11:07:56.0 37.06 N 27.63 E 8 MD3.0 WESTERN TURKEY
2010-07-28 09:34:01.0 39.99 N 39.50 E 18 MD3.0 EASTERN TURKEY
2010-07-28 01:11:30.0 36.03 N 23.59 E 10 ML 2.8 SOUTHERN GREECE
2010-07-28 00:39:33.8 39.33 N 24.03 E 10 ML 2.1 AEGEAN SEA
2010-07-28 00:08:58.0 38.54 N 25.58 E 9 MD3.2 AEGEAN SEA
2010-07-28 00:01:55.1 35.61 N 23.61 E 5 ML 2.3 CRETE, GREECE
2010-07-29 23:47:34.9 34.35 N 25.34 E 10 ML 2.6 CRETE, GREECE
2010-07-29 20:09:51.6 36.35 N 21.79 E 152 ML 2.7 SOUTHERN GREECE
2010-07-29 13:59:19.7 39.77 N 22.37 E 10 ML 2.5 GREECE
2010-07-29 11:45:18.3 39.31 N 24.00 E 5 ML 2.0 AEGEAN SEA
2010-07-29 11:37:18.0 38.60 N 23.47 E 5 ML 2.1 GREECE
2010-07-29 11:16:46.2 36.67 N 21.89 E 10 ML 3.0 SOUTHERN GREECE
2010-07-29 10:47:15.2 39.29 N 24.01 E 5 ML 2.2 AEGEAN SEA
2010-07-29 09:38:17.0 37.20 N 39.29 E 3 MD3.1 EASTERN TURKEY
2010-07-29 07:35:09.7 36.31 N 31.85 E 100 ML 3.6 WESTERN TURKEY
2010-07-29 07:22:43.5 39.21 N 22.20 E 88 ML 2.7 GREECE
2010-07-29 06:56:53.8 39.99 N 23.76 E 2 ML 2.3 AEGEAN SEA
2010-07-29 04:47:44.3 37.13 N 28.54 E 2 ML 3.7 WESTERN TURKEY
2010-07-29 02:29:37.3 36.80 N 21.56 E 5 ML 2.2 SOUTHERN GREECE
2010-07-29 02:29:37.3 36.80 N 21.56 E 5 ML 2.2 SOUTHERN GREECE
2010-07-29 00:41:27.9 35.57 N 24.05 E 10 ML 2.0 CRETE, GREECE
(Probable 4 and probable multiples)
2010/07/29 20:04:46 52.35N 132.31W 20.0* 1.4ML 105 km SSW of Sandspit,BC
2010/07/29 19:47:34 52.63N 131.96W 20.0* 1.2ML 69 km SSW of Sandspit,BC
2010/07/29 19:47:30 53.24N 133.02W 20.0* 0.9ML 80 km W of Sandspit,BC
2010/07/29 18:20:43 49.06N 128.17W 10.0* 3.0Mw 164 km W of Tofino,BC
2010/07/29 16:25:14 53.74N 131.92W 5.4 1.1ML 34 km SE of Masset,BC
2010/07/29 11:23:51 48.93N 125.94W 26.0 0.7ML 24 km S of Tofino,BC
2010/07/29 09:26:48 57.96N 138.40W 10.0* 2.0ML 161 km SE of Yakutat,AK
2010/07/29 08:06:17 49.16N 129.82W 10.0* 3.2Mw 243 km WSW of Pt. Hardy,BC
2010/07/29 07:32:17 53.99N 132.38W 11.5 1.7ML 15 km W of Masset,BC
2010/07/29 04:12:12 52.38N 126.88W 6.4 3.5ML 8 km W of Bella Coola,BC
2010/07/29 03:54:08 51.76N 131.92W 20.0* 1.9ML 166 km S of Sandspit,BC
2010/07/29 02:35:06 59.61N 135.78W 35.0* 1.1ML 63 km NW of Haines,AK
2010/07/29 01:04:55 62.67N 137.13W 5.0* 1.5ML 192 km ESE of Dawson,YT
(Probable 3 and probable multiples)
2010-07-29 13:02:35 32.39 -115.4 5 4.0 31 km al NOROESTE de GPE VICTORIA(KM.43), BC
2010-07-29 05:19:28 32.33 -115.03 15 4.3 9 km al NORESTE de GPE VICTORIA(KM.43), BC
2010-07-30 15:55:13 21.19 -101.07 5 3.7 15 km al NOROESTE de DOLORES HIDALGO, GTO
Probable 4 and probable multiples)
2.1 2010/07/29 06:42:50 18.431 -66.797 17.6 1 km ( 1 mi) WNW of Rafael Gonz�lez, PR
**Unplaced quakes using EMSC listing.
2010-07-29 18:42:55.5 45.10 N 25.77 E 4 MD2.2 ROMANIA
2010-07-29 05:49:03.0 40.65 N 29.17 W 5 ML 2.9 AZORES ISLANDS REGION
2010-07-29 03:08:13.0 41.74 N 13.59 E 9 ML 2.4 SOUTHERN ITALY

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