sample study-planets changing direction and quakes

A sample study for the year 2006 was done by me ,to check concentartion of quakes near dtaes when planets changes the direction. For study purpose Mercury was not considere as it is a small planet and have less tidal pull
In year 2006 there are 5 dates when planets changes the direction ie
3rd Feb, 5th March, 5th April, 6th July,and 7th December.
The quakes 6 -6.9, 7.0-8.0 and 8+ were checked before and after 15 days of the date on which planet changes the direction
Results are
------ ---- ---Actual----- Average (expected during the period ie 5 months)
6-6.9 -- ---------66 -----------56
7.0-8.0 ----------6 ------------6
8+ ---------------1 -----------0.5(?)
A study was also done for Jupiter when changing direction as well as closer to Earth
7th April 2007 and 7th August 2007 Jupiter changes the direction as well as closer to earth (<5.0 AU)
For 15 days before and after these dates the quakes are as follows
-- For 7th April 07 -----For Date 7h August 07
---------Actual -----------Actual --------Average (for a Month)
6-6.9 -----31 ---------------20 -------------11
7-7.9 ------1-----------------2--------------1.25
8+---------1 ----------------1 -------------0.1 (?)
I would like you to comment as to weather this is above average or not?


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