Major Quakes occured in first week of January 2010

please note my predictions regarding major earthquakes in first week of January 2010.
There were seris of major quakes (>6.5) occured in first week,including one major quake(7.2 ),with tsunami waves.
I have certain ponts to be raised to USGS
1) Is it not worthwhile to predict major quakes (>7.0) with this accuracy?
2) Why do we need prediction either 0% or 100%? can we not start with accuracy of more than 60%?
3) Are we not open to any theory other than plate tectonics?
4) If my prediction accuracy is a matter of chance, anybody has the same probability as of mine.
I hereby request anyone(in general and USGS in perticular) to give dates of probable major quakes (>6.8) . I hall than post dates of major quakes till 31st December 2010. We will observe the date sgiven by both for accuracy
5) Some times scientists predict major quakes ,say in Himalaya,either tomorrow or 100 years later. Now ,what is the use of such predictions?
6)Are we ready to think out of the box?


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