£435,000 for tsunami fund - 12th February

Belfast Lord Mayor Tom Ekin will hand over £435,000 tomorrow to Christian Aid for disaster relief in Asia, following the post-Christmas tsunami sit-out at St Anne's Cathedral.

The money will be presented to Lady Christine Eames, of the Christian Aid Board, at a service in the Cathedral, and this amount will be in addition to the £1m already sent to Christian Aid from the special post-Christmas sit-out for Asia.

Representatives from 135 local charities will also be present at the service tomorrow to receive cheques from the annual pre-Christmas sit-out undertaken by the Black Santa, the Dean of Belfast, the Very Rev Dr Houston McKelvey, and his colleagues.

More than £225,000 will be handed out to groups working with children, youth, families, communities and for medical research.

Overall, more than £1,660,000 has been raised for Asian relief and for local charities as a result of the recent sit-outs before and after Christmas.

Dr McKelvey said today: "Few communities anywhere would outdistance the generosity of this city, and this part of the country."

He said that the Black Santa's barrel would still be in the Cathedral to receive donations for Asia until today.

He added: "We organise this service annually, and it is one which restores my faith in humanity."

Source: belfasttelegraph.co.uk
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