Moderate Quake Shakes Southern California

A moderately strong 5.8 earhtquake struck the California/Mexico border near Calexico at 10:48am (Local time) on December 30, 2009. The quake was felt widely throughout Southern California, Northern Baja and Southern Arizona.

The quake Was felt as far away as Los Angeles and Phoenix.

Reports of damage or injuries have not come in yet. However, a quake of this size could cause local damage.

The quake occurred 30 miles south east of the heavily populated Calexico/Mexicali area. Quakes in this area are not uncommon. Quakes of 5.0+ have have struck this in recent years.

As of 30 minutes after the quake, there have been a number of sizable aftershocks including a 4.9 at 10:53, and a 4.0 at 11:07.

predicted places for 1s January 2010 quake

One step ahead ,I would now like to give tentative places for major quake of 1st January 2010
Quake- >7.0
Time -0130 Hrs IST(Indian Std Time)
Places --- 82Degrees East or 62 Degrees East
and/or Exectly opposite to these places
ie 98Degrees west or 118Degrees West

Major quakes predicted in first week of Jan 2010

There are three planets changing the direction in last week of Dec 2009 and first week of Jan 2010.
on 1st Jan 2010 at about mid night Moon is directly opposing the Sun.
on 3rd Jan 2010Earth is nearest to Sun.
on 15 th Jan 2010 ,there is solar eclipse.
Thus ,major quakes are predicted in first week of January 2010
Quake of 7.2 on 1st Jan 2010 at 0130 Hrs Indian Slandered time

Earthquakes in October 2009

There are at least 28 major quakes (>6.0) occurred in this month(as predicted). Some of them are
a high as 6.9 to 7.9
Is this a mere co-incidence?
On an average there are 16-18 major quakes (6.0 to 6.9 ) in a year.
How is plate tectonics theory of earthquakes explain this?

Earthquakes for remaining dates of October 2009-intimation to USGS

This month's positions of planets triggering major quakes is now fading away. Some of he last major quakes of this month will be
26th October 2009----0530 Indian std time (IST)
27th October 2009----1135 Hrs IST
Both quakes will be more than 6.2
Places not known.

The strong position of planets was mainly due to Jupiter changed the direction on 13th Oct as well as proximity of some of the planets to earth
pl note following recent quakes in this month

22/10/09--Hindikush- 6.2
23/10/09--santacruz isalnd--6.0
24/10/09--Banda sea-------7.0
24/10/09--indonesia --5.5

USGS is here by requested to check the major quakes before and after 15 days of major planets changing the direction.

It is observed that,Jupiter,Venus and Saturn (in that order) while changing direction causes major quakes
In such three months almost 90% major quakes( >6.0) occur.

Earthquakes in October 2009

USGS is requested to cross check the eartquakes from 25th September to 25th October 2009.
There are more than 25 quakes more than 6.0 on richter scale and one quake more than 8.0.
The month (15 days before and after the date where major planets changes the direction ) is most prone to major quakes

Extensio to Tidal force theory

Tidal force theory can be extended to various layer, in the same plane ,like
1) Force acting on molten lava creates major earthquakes
2) Force acting n crust produces ,ruptures and hence ,volcanic eruptions
3) Force acting on oceans creates major tides
4) force acting on atmosphere and clouds produces downpours and cyclones
That is why , the dates prone to major earthquakes are also prone to all these natural calamities
watch out

earthquakes cycles and clusters

we have seen how earthquakes are induced. There are two major components ,besides several small components.
1) Major planets changing he direction
2) Moon joining /aspecting planet which is changing the direction and /or Moon joining/opposing or squaring the Sun
Now ,there will be two separate cycles of quake clusters in that month( in which major planet ie Jupiter and /or Saturn changes the direction)
First one due to Moon and Planet pair aspects
Second due to Moon and Sun aspects
Intensity depends on several other factors like
1.Moon closest to earth
2.Moon on equator
3. Moon at extreme declinations
4. Major planet closest to earth
5. Sun and Moon on same declination
6. Other planets in close aspects
7. Earth crust below the resultant pull line (ie plate boundary or not)
8.Sun at equator
Thus , there will two separate cycles of major quakes in such month
Each cycle have frequency of quakes at seven and half days intervals ,till potent position fades away. Seven and half days because Moon takes seven and half days to acquire next potent position at 90 degrees apart.
Watch such cycles in this month ie October 2009
We need to think out of the box ie outside plate tectonics theory for earthquake predictions
It is true that, there are plates and they are moving. It is also true that, more quakes occur at plate boundaries ,but that is because the plate boundaries are weakest link
More correct statement is
"Plates are due to quakes and quakes are not due to plates"
Amit Dave

Minor Earthquake Shakes San Francisco

8:30 PM - Tuesday October 13, 2009

An Earthquake with a magnitude of 3.7 has occurred area near Pleasanton, southeast of San Francisco.

The quake struck at 8:27 PM local time and was felt throughout the bay area and as far south as Gilroy.

No damage or injuries have been reported.

Early warning for USGS-Earthquake prediction for 13th Oct 2009

Pl note that ,on 13th October 2009 at 10.35 GMT there will be a major quake and /or cyclones ,as per my theory.Pl treat this as advance notification /prediction of the same. THE QUAKE WILL BE ATLEAST OF 7.5 MAGNITUDE.

3.8 Earthquake Recorded off the Coast of Southern California

October 7, 2009

A shallow earthquake measuring 3.8 on the richter scale occurred near San Clemente Island. This is due west of San Diego.

The earthquake struck at 8:31 in the evening local time. No damage and no injuries were reported as a result of this quake. The quake was felt in parts of southern Orange county and coastal sections of San Diego counties.


pl see my predictions and actual occurrences of major quakes ,tsunami, cyclones in last couple of days.
on 13th of Oct 2009 Jupiter changes the direction from retro gate to direct, this is the main cause of these calamities. When major planets changes the direction ,it changes the momentum of molten lava below the earth crust. Either it accelerates or brakes the speed and momentum of lava ,triggering a quake
I shall show you some of the thumb rule for major quakes to occur(more than 6.5 on Richter scale
1. Find out the days when major planets (Jupiter, Saturn Mars or Venus changes the direction from direct to retro gate or vice a versa.
2. Find out whether major planets and Sun are at a position of 0,90,180 or 275 degrees from each other, the more they are positioned ,major will be quake
3. find out whether the planet changing direction is closest or farthest, this will decide the intensity of the quake
4 The day and time when The Moon either joins opposes or squares the planet changing the direction or The Sun, there will be a major quake
5 Intensity depends on the closeness,opposition or squareness of planets with Moon
pl see the blog for detail open discussions on my theory
finer aspects like declinations,apogee and perigee are not given here
love you all

5.1 Shakes Central California

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.1 has struck the Central California region near Owens Lake, about 50 miles north of Ridgecrest. The quake struck at 3:01 AM local time and was immediately followed by several small aftershocks. Largest reported aftershock has been a 3.3 at 3:03 am.

This area is prone to earthquakes of this size. Damage and injuries have not been reported and are not expected due to the remote location and sparse population.

Past Magnitude 5.0+ earthquakes in the same area

5.2 July 17, 2001
5.0 March 7, 1998
5.2 March 6, 1998
5.3 November 27, 1996

predicted earthquakes for october 2009

As predicted earlier pl note the following dates in october will witness some major quakes
(places not exactly known)

3rd oct 2009- 6.5 on Richter scale
4th oct 2009- 6.1
11th oct---6.8
13th oct ---7.0
18th oct 6.9
20th oct --6.7
pl watch these dates

Amit DAve

Andaman Quake

Reports tumbling out of tremors felt in Japan and across the east coast of India after the 7.6 quake off the Andaman Islands. NYT states that a tsunami warning has been issued for India, Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand and Bangladesh.


Tsunami watch for five countries (India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand and Indonesia) has been called off.

For those of us who slept through the worry and frenetic NOAA-watching, bless you. May no one ever be woken by a disaster, ever again.
major quakes will be observed on following dates in June 2009

6th ,13th, 16th , 20th , and 22nd of june 2009
pl watch out

cyclone Aila-

Please refer my earthquakes and natural disaster dates published on this blog.
the date mentioned in maypredictions are May 18th and 24th 2009 , pl note following
24th MAy 2009-quake 6.1 at 0058 Hrs GMT at kermadic island
May 25th/26th - cyclone Aila
May 28th -quake 7.1-at 0824 GMT ,at Hondurus
pl watch further dates in June

Earthquake prediction for April 2009

As per my theory of earthquake prediction , there will be a quake , ranging from 6.8 to 7.0 on Ritcher scale between 0530 Hrs GMT 25th April 2009 to 1630 Hrs GMT 26th Aril 2009
place not known
pl observe the date
Amit Dave

Rain forecast for western INDIA for the year 2009

Rain forecast for the monsoon for western INDIA the year 2009

JUNE 2009
5th /6th 1
7th 2
13th 5
15/16th-12hrs to12hrs 5
19th/20th 4
22nd/23rd 4 1213 on 22nd

1256 on 23rd



26th 4 1507 4.90
28th/29th 2
Sub total 27
3RD/4th 2
7th 3
11th/12th 5
15th 2
22nd/23rd 6 1240 on 22nd

2313 on 23rd



25th 1 1433 4.94
29th 2
30/31st 3
Sub total 24
6th/7th 6
13/14th 4
20th 5 1216 4.81
22nd 5 1334 4.92
27th 3
Sub total 23
3rd/4th 5
6th 3
10th 3
12th 2
16th 3
18th/19th 4 1148 on 18th

1227 on 19th



23rd 2
30th 1
Sub total 23
Total for south west monsoon -97 inches-2425 mm

Natural Disasters prediction for the year 2009

This is request to USGS to observe the dates till December 2009 for natural disadters
My theory is based on gravitational pull acting on molten magma and momentum change of the magma(due to change in direction of planets ,ie mass multiplied by velocity )
This theory is more genaral and can be applied to molten magma inside the crust , to the waters in the oceans and to the air/vapour in the atmosphere.
This implies that , the dates and time mentioned by me are also prone to major quakes, volcanic eruptions , cyclones ,landslides and even heavy rains.
watch out for he dates

Earthquake pediction for the year 2009 (Feb to Deember )

Earthquake Prediction for the year 2009- (Feb 2009 to Dec 2009)

Following are the dates for probable major quakes (Place not known)

Date Time (Indian standard Time) Intensity

1) 9Th FEB 2009 1235 7.1
2) 4th March 1135Hrs- 6.6
3) 6th March 2010 6.9
4) 15Th April 0910 6.4
5) 22nd April 1710 6.7
6) 9th May 2310 6.6
7) 17Th May 1310 6.8
8) 18th May 2315 7.2
9) 24Th May 1510 6.7
10) 6th June 2009 0110 6.8
11) 13th June 2215- 7.0
12) 16th June 1700 7.2
13) 20th June 1710 7.1
14) 22nd June 2310 7.4
15) 6th September 2009 1910 6.4
16) 3rd October 2009 0130 6.5
17) 4th October 1100 6.1
18) 11th October 1315 6.8
19) 13th October 1500 7.0
20) 18th October 1035 6.9
21) 20th October 0410 6.7
22) 21st December 200 0710 6.8
23) 24th December 2325 6.6
24) 26Th December 2009 0910 6.5
25) 1st January 2010 0220 7.1
Intensity is in Richter Scale
These are the dates of major earthquakes or volcanic eruption
Please watch out these 25 dates till the end of year 2009.

10:12 PM
